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1、布里斯托大学(Bristol)英国布里斯托大学(Bristol)是坐落在英格兰西南部埃文河畔布里斯托市的一所顶尖研究型大学,是世界大学 50 强名校。该城市现今的经济实力大多来自工程、航空和新技术以及金融服务、媒体和旅游业。布里斯托市被英国每日电讯报评为英国最具幸福感的城市。城市居民年均收入高,这应该是要得益于布里斯托市在英国的经济地位。作为英国西南部地区的经济文化中心,布里斯托市被称为欧洲的硅谷,有很多高科技的公司都把总部或者研发中心设在这里,其中有比如空中客车、东芝、劳斯莱斯等这样全球知名的公司,为这个城市创造了众多的就业机会。英国布里斯托大学(Bristol)是素有英国常春藤盟校之称的英

2、国”罗素大学集团(The Russell Group) ”创始成员,也是英国历史上著名的六所“红砖大学”之一、科英布拉集团(The Coimbra Group)成员、世界大学联盟(Worldwide Universities Network)成员、欧洲大学协会(European University Association)成员。在 2014Times 英国大学排名中,英国布里斯托大学(Bristol)位列第十五名。英国布里斯托大学(Bristol)优势专业主要有:工程、计算机、生物、经济、数学、英语、化学、法律、会计和金融、历史等。英国布里斯托大学(Bristol)预科方向主要有 Engli

3、sh with Mathematics English with Arts and Humanities English with chemistry and Mathematics English with Economics and Finance英国布里斯托大学(Bristol)中国学生录取要求 本科:完成中国国内大学大一学业 研究生:平均分 80 分以上英国布里斯托大学(Bristol)研究生学费 Arts:14,750 Science:17,750 Clinical:33,000英国布里斯托大学(Bristol)著名校友:麦兜之父 -谢立文等。英国布里斯托大学(Bristol)专业设

4、置 MSc in Advanced Composites MSc in Water and Environmental Management Advanced Computing (Creative Technology) Advanced Computing (Internet Technologies with Security) Advanced Computing (Machine Learning, Data Mining and High-Performance Computing) Advanced Microelectronic Systems Engineering Comp

5、uter Science MSc in Advanced Microelectronics and Systems Engineering MSc in Communication Networks and Signal Processing MSc in Image & Video Communications and Signal Processing MSc in Optical Communications and Signal Processing MSc in Wireless Communication Systems and Signal Processing Advanced

6、 Engineering Robotics MSc in Advanced Mechanical Engineering MSc in Biophysics and Molecular Life Sciences MSc in Transfusion and Transplantation Sciences MSc Global Wildlife Health and Conservation MSc Animal Behaviour MSc in Agricultural Ecosystems: Management for Sustainability MSci Palaeontology

7、 and Evolution MSc in Palaeobiology MSc in Volcanology MSc in Applied Neuropsychology MSc in Neuropsychology MSc in Human Geography: Society and Space MSc in Environmental Policy and Management MSc in Climate Change Science and Policy MSc Nanoscience and Functional Nanomaterials Accounting, Finance

8、and Management Advanced Social Work with Children and Families Contemporary Identities Counselling in Education Development and Security Disability Studies: Inclusive Theory and Research East Asian Development and the Global Economy Economics Economics Economics and Econometrics Economics and Financ

9、e Economics and Public Policy Economics, Accounting and Finance Economics, Finance and Management Education (Secondary) (PGCE) Education - Science and Education Education - Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Education Management (Hong Kong) Education, Technology and Society Educ

10、ational Leadership, Policy and Development Educational Research Environmental Policy and Management Ethnicity and Multiculturalism European Governance Finance and Investment Gender and International Relations Human Geography: Society and Space International Development International Relations Intern

11、ational Security Law Management Mathematics in Education Neuroscience and Education Nutrition, Physical Activity and Public Health Psychology of Education Public Policy Social Science Research Methods (Politics / International Relations) Social Science Research Methods (Sociology) Social Work Social

12、 Work Research Social and Cultural Theory Socio-Legal Studies l Sociology Special and Inclusive Education Strategy, Change and Leadership MA in Anthropology MA in Archaeology MA in Film and Television Production MA in Film and Television Studies MA in Archaeology for Screen Media MA in Composition o

13、f Music for Film and Television MA in Music MA in Composition for Film and Television MA in Philosophy MA in Philosophy and History of Science MA in Philosophy and Law MA in Philosophy of Biological and Cognitive Sciences MA in Logic and Philosophy of Mathematics MA in Religion MA in Medieval Studies MA in History of Art: Histories and Interpretations MA in Classical Reception MA in Classics and Ancient History MA in English Literature MA in History MA in Modern Languages MA in European Literatures MA in Russian History MA European Literatures MA Modern Languages MA Translation文章来源:英帆国际



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