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1、同时应当为侨商归国工作、创业和生活提供更加便捷、适宜的环境,使得侨商归国后能够安心并专心于事业发展,提高海外高层次人才回国创新创业的热情Period FiveCommunication Workshop,Culture Corner & Bulletin Board.单词检测1contact n& vt.联系;接触2incredibly adv.难以置信地incredible adj.不可相信的,难以置信的credible adj.可靠的,可信的3truly adv.真正地;准确地true adj.真实的,正确的4textbook n课本,教科书5replace vt.代替,取代6discri

2、ption n描述.短语检测1get bored感到厌烦2instead of代替;而不是3make up编写;编造4take part in参加5have fun with sb.和某人玩得开心6with ease轻松地1There is no doubt that it will help us to cure all sorts of illnesses.毫无疑问,它能帮助我们治疗各种疾病。2Comfortable and safe,these attractive shoes can be worn to any event.这些漂亮的鞋子非常舒服和安全,在任何活动中都可以穿。1rep

3、lace v取代,代替;把放回原位(1)(原句)Well,its a disk to replace our textbook.哦,那是一个可以代替我们课本的磁盘。(2)Replace the magazines after reading.杂志阅读完后放回原处。归纳拓展replace A with/by B用B取代Atake the place of sb./sth.take sb.s/sth.s place代替take place发生take ones place入座in place of sb./sth.in sb.s/sth.s place代替,取代(3)I replaced the

4、wornout tires with/by new ones.我用新轮胎替换了磨损不堪的旧轮胎。即时跟踪选用上述词语的正确形式完成下列小片段She didnt (1)replace the cup after using it.It fell to the ground and was broken,which made her very disappointed.Her husband suggested (2)replacing it with a plastic one so that it wouldnt be so easy to break,but she said nothing

5、 could (3)replace/take the place of this cup as it was made over 1,000 years ago.2associated adj.有关联的,相关的(1)(原句)Usually,a currency is associated with one country only so it is easier to find images and symbols to put on the coins and notes.一般说来,一种货币只与一个国家相关,因此找到印制在硬币或纸币上的典型形象并不难。归纳拓展associate v.交往;把

6、联系在一起;使结合在一起association n.协会;联盟;联系,交往;联想be associated with与有关associate.with.把与联系在一起associate with sb.与某人交往/为友(2)I dont like you associating with such people.我不喜欢你与那些人混在一起。(3)Whisky is usually associated with Scotland.人们常把威士忌与苏格兰联系起来。(4)A healthy life is frequently thought to be associated with regul

7、ar exercise and healthy diet.健康的生活往往被认为与经常锻炼和健康饮食有关。即时跟踪(1)单句语法填空The film was produced in association (associate) with an independent company.(2)很多欧洲人想起中国就想起蚕丝和茶叶。Many Europeans associate China with silk and tea.(3)在孩子们看来,夏天和野餐联系在一起。In childrens minds,summers are associated with picnics.3represent v

8、代表,象征;描绘;作为的代表(1)(原句)However,for the euro,twelve different countries were involved,and each country was as keen as the other to be represented.然而,对于欧元来说,它共涉及了12个不同的国家,每个国家又都像其他国家一样渴望被欧元所代表。(2)The painting represents a hunting scene.这幅画描绘了一幅狩猎的场面。归纳拓展representative n.代表;adj.有代表性的,典型的represent.as.把描绘成

9、represent.to be(常指错误地)声称是(3)He is represented as a man of great honour.他被描述成一个获得极大荣誉的人。即时跟踪(1)单句语法填空Would you like to meet our sales representative(represent)? (2)他并不是他们所描绘的那个样子。He was not what they had represented him to be.(3)他自称是一名军官。He represented himself as an officer.4involve v使卷入,使陷入;包含;专心于(1

10、)(原句)However,for the euro,twelve different countries were involved,and each country was as keen as the other to be represented.然而,对于欧元来说,它共涉及了12个不同的国家,每个国家又都像其他国家一样渴望被欧元所代表。归纳拓展involve doing.需要做;包含做be involved in (involve.in.)专心于;牵涉到(2)Taking the job involved living abroad.接受这项工作就需要在国外生活。(3)Dont inv

11、olve me in solving your problems.你解决你的问题,不要把我扯进去。即时跟踪(1)不要把我卷入你们的争吵中去。Dont involve me in your quarrel.(2)他现在热衷于股票。He is involved in stocks now.make up组成;化妆;弥补;编造;辨认出;和好(1)(原句)However,instead of showing real,existing structures,he used photographs to make up imaginary structures that best represented

12、 the different architectural styles.但他并没有去展现真实存在的建筑结构,而是用照片组合成一个最能代表不同建筑风格的充满想象力的结构图。(2)The student made up an excuse for his being late.那个学生为他的迟到编造了一个借口。归纳拓展be made up of由构成make it成功;办到make ones way to走向make sense讲得通,有意义make sense of理解(3)The medical team was made up of twelve doctors.医疗队由12个医生组成。(4

13、)The train goes at 10:15.I think we shall make it.火车10点1刻开,我想我们能赶上。即时跟踪(1)写出下列句子中make up的汉语意思Uncle Tom made up an interesting story for the children.编造Mary and Joan quarreled,but made up after a while.和好She was absent from school for two weeks,so she had a lot of homework to make up.弥补The actors wer

14、e making up when we arrived.化妆(2)不管这是什么物质,都由原子构成。No matter what substance it may be,it is made up of atom.(3)你说的话我弄不明白。What you say does not make sense to me.1There is no doubt that(1)(原句)There is no doubt that it will help us to cure all sorts of illnesses.毫无疑问,它能帮助我们治疗各种疾病。句式分析本句中There is no doubt

15、 that.为固定句式,意为“毫无疑问”。归纳拓展(1)doubt n怀疑;疑惑in doubt未确定的毫无疑问地make no doubt(of)对毫不怀疑(2)doubt vt.怀疑;疑惑,不相信doubt sth./sb.怀疑某事/某人doubt whether/if.怀疑dont doubt that.确信(2)There is no doubt that Tom is a diligent student.毫无疑问,汤姆是一个勤奋的学生。(3)The cause of the accident is still in doubt.那次事故的原因仍未确定。(4)I dont doubt that our team will win.我们队伍会获胜是没有疑问的。即时跟踪(1)约翰必将参加我们的晚会。There


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