英汉翻译 试卷 English-Chinese Translation

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1、1Score _English-Chinese TranslationFinal Exam Paper(2014-12-15)Name:_ Number:_ College(major):_注 意 事 项1)本试卷的标题和格式不可更改,卷面上应如实填上姓名、学号和院系信息;2)右上角的分数位为教师填写;3)第一部分的译文应放在每句原文之下,第二部分只保留自己所选的短文和所做的译文;4)任何经过他人协助而完成的答卷都将受到谴责;5)整份答卷均需用 A 4 纸张打印,并标有页码;采用宋体小四号;6)装订为一份,左上角为装订位置,只能使用一颗书钉;7)第十四周星期一晚上 8 点钟之前应把整份答卷在教

2、室里提交给老师。Part One: Translate the following sentences into Chinese (30%)1. The first decade in space saw accomplishments in science and technology which affected our concept of the entire universe.在太空搜索的頭十年裡,科技和技術取得一定的成就,影響着我們對宇宙的看法。2. There are many wonderful stories about the many places which I had

3、 visited and many people whom I had met before I came to this city. 在我來到這個城市之前,我曾參觀許多地方和認識很多人,並發生了很多奇炒的故事。3. As a teen-ager, though, I had more fun speculating that it might be a boy I had a crush on or one who had noticed me even though I didnt know him. 其實,作為一個青少年,我有更多趣的猜測,即使我不知道他,但有可能是我一直迷戀的男孩,或某

4、個人一直留意着我。4. It is almost impossible to talk to your neighbor about his job, even if he is engaged in roughly the same work as you are. 即是他的從事的工作和你大致相似,但這是基本不可能和你的鄰居談論關於他的工作。5. Even though the road was littered with boulders and pitted with holes, Bruce was not in the least perturbed.即使满路乱石,坑坑洼洼,布鲁斯还

5、是毫不忧虑。6. A famous actor in a highly successful play was once cast in the role of an aristocrat who 2had been imprisoned in the Bastille for twenty years.有一位名演员曾在一出极为成功的剧本中扮演一个贵族角色,这个贵族已在巴士底狱被关押了 20 年。6. In countries where people remain in one town or city for most of their lives, the social customs

6、are quite different.有些国家的人民几乎终生未离开一个城镇,所以社会风俗颇为不同。8. I hope your success, which is an inspiration to me, will continue.我希望你取得的成功能不斷鼓勵我。9. Some of my happiest moments were spent daydreaming about someone wonderful and exciting but too shy or eccentric to make known his or her identity.我最快乐的时光,有些是在奇妙和

7、兴奋的幻想中度过的,但羞怯和孤傲却使我无法搞清他或她到底是谁。10. From the moment we stepped into the Peoples Republic of China, care and kindness surrounded us on every side.一來到中華人民共和国,我们就随时随地受到各种关怀与照顾。11. Fortunately there are some US Congressmen who are supportive of extending MFN treatment to China幸好有些美国国会议员支持延长对华最惠国待遇12. The

8、 task, which seemed to be difficult, was already accomplished in time.這任務雖然似乎很艱難,但仍然能及時完成。13. He wishes to write an article that will attract public attention to the matter.他想写篇文章以便引起公众对此事的关注。14. We recognize the need to establish and develop institutions which help to tame the unbridled exercise of

9、 power.我们认识到需要建立和发展一些机构以有助于控制滥用权力。15. He took the sales plan to the president, who liked it and called a meeting of the board of directors to study its feasibility. 他把這個銷售計劃匯報給總裁,總裁對此計劃感到有興趣,並召開董事會研究其可行性。16. Who could have imagined, in the mid 1970s, for example, that by the end of the 20th century,

10、 computers would be as common in peoples homes as TV sets? 举个例子吧,在 20 世纪 70 年代中叶又有谁能想得到在 20 世纪末的时候,電腦会像电视机一样普遍?17. The Scandinavian countries are much admired all over the world for their enlightened social policies.斯堪的纳维亚半岛各国实行开明的社会政策,受到全世界的推崇。18. As long ago as 1809, the Swedish Parliament introdu

11、ced a scheme to safeguard the interest of the individual.早在 1809 年,瑞典议会就建立了一个保护公民利益的制度。19. They worked out a new method by which production has now been rapidly increased.他们研究出了一种新的方法,通过这种方法能使产量迅速增加。20. Proverbs are the popular sayings that brighten so much Latin American talk, the boiled-down wisdo

12、m that you are as apt to hear from professors as from peasants, from beggars as from elegantes.3拉丁语中的谚语由广为流传的话组成,为其语言增彩不少。你可以容易地从人们那里听到这些简明扼要的智慧语句,无论是教授还是农民,无论是乞丐还是优雅的人。Part Two: Translate ONLY TWO of the following passages into Chinese (70%)Passage OneTelevision has changed the lifestyle of people

13、in every industrialized country in the world. In the United States, where sociologists have studied the effects, some interesting observations have been made.Television, although not essential, has become an important part of most peoples lives. It alters peoples ways of seeing the world; in many wa

14、ys, it supports and sustains modern life. Television has become a baby-sitter, an introducer of conversations, the major transmitter of culture, a keeper of tradition. Yet when what can be seen on TV in one day is critically analyzed, it becomes evident that television is not a teacher but a sustain

15、er; the poor quality of programming does not elevate people into greater understanding, but rather maintains and encourages the life as it exists.The primary reason for the lack of quality in American television is related to both the history of TV programming development and the economics of TV. Te

16、levision in America began with the radio. Radio companies and their sponsors first experimented with television. Therefore, the close relationship which the advertisers had with radio programs became the system for American TV. Sponsors not only paid money for time within programs, but many actually produced the programs.Thus, in American society, television is primarily concerned with reflecting and attractin


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