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1、政治敏感度和鉴别力欠缺。对社会上一些错误思潮和敏感问题缺乏警惕性和鉴别力,对工作中、生活中、手机和网络里的一些不当言论等现象,Unit 2 Saving the Earth教师寄语:We must study hard so that we will make our hometowns more and more beautiful. (我们必须努力学习以便使我们的家乡变得越来越美丽。)Class_ Grade9 Group_ Name_课型:预习+展示课Title: Unit 2 Saving the Earth (拯救地球)Topic 1:Pollution has caused too

2、 many problems.(污染引起了太多的问题。)Section: A 2-4 (P28) 第二课时Learning steps (学习过程): (Check before class)(5)(我会做)1、单项选择。各组派 C层次的学生上台展示学习成果。(在二次铃时完成,学习组长组织并检查评定)( )1)Oh, the rice _ terrible. It must go bad.A. smells B. touches C. sees ( )2)- What _ in your hometown in recent years ? - There are many new tall

3、buildings.A. was happened B. have happened C. has happened ( )3)-Would you like to go out for a picnic with us? -_, but I have a lot of things to do .A. Of course not B. Id love to C. Thats all right( )4)-Weve lived here _1990. -So youve lived here _about 22 years.A. since, since B. for , since C. s

4、ince, for (Learning target)(1) 1、复习1a的对话;2、掌握一般过去时和现在完成时的区别。(Self-study)(20)(我最棒)1、分角色朗读P27/1a的对话,然后完成下面的短文。 Kangkang , Jane, Maria and Michael are _a picnic _Sunday. They will go to the West Hill. _went there two years ago. He said the West Hill _a beautiful place. There _lots of flowers and grass

5、. The air_ _ and the water _ _ . and they _ _ bees and butterflies _. Nowadays, everything _ _. The flowers and grass _ _. The water is so _. It _ terrible . What _ _ there . Because there _ several chemicalfactories _ waste water _ the stream. What a _! They dont want to have a picnic there.2、听力练习。

6、 A)听P28/3的录音一遍并给图片标序号。 B) 再听3的录音两遍并完成句子。【点拨】too many + 可数名词复数 too much + 不可数名词 都是太多的意思much too + adj./adv. 是太,很的意思。(Lets show and improve )(15)(我参与) 1结对练习:看2的图片,并和你的同伴仿照例子编类似的对话。 Example: A:There were lots of flowers and grass when I visited the village last year. B: But now the flowers and grass ha

7、ve gone. A: What has happened here? B: The villagers have destroyed them.P1: A: There were lots of trees in the hill when I went there last year. B: _ A:_ B:_P2: A:_ B: _ A:_ B:_(Summary )(4)(我能行)1、记住本节课的单词和词组。2、整理导学案,梳理本节课所学的知识,检查导学案并完成导学案上所有内容,学习组长注意检查督促。(Test in the end )(5)(我会做)1、单项选择。 ( )1) I l

8、eft my pen on the desk just now and now it _.A. is going B. has gone C. has left ( )2) I _that village two months ago.A. visited B. visit C. have visited ( )3)Trees are good for us . We must prevent anyone from _.A. cutting up them B. cutting down them C. cutting them down ( )4)Dont make noise! Ther

9、e are several students _over there. Asleep B. sleeping C. to sleeping ( ) 5)-Listen, there is a bird _in the tree. - How wonderful.A. sings B. to sing C. singing 二、 完成句子。1)鲜花和绿草都消失了。The flowers and grass _ _.2)有几家化工厂正在往小溪里排放废水。There are _ _ factories _ _ water _ the _。3)安妮和她父母以前去过西湖。 Annie with her parents _ _ _ the West Lake before.4) 人们砍倒了太多的树,因此我没有够的叶子吃。 People have _ _ _ _ trees, so I dont have enough leaves to eat.七、课后反思1、我今天学到了什么知识?_2、这节课我的表现( ) A、很好 B、好 C、一般D、有待改进会有一些不当的网络用语出现在微信工作群或个别党员的微信“朋友圈”中,把“三八节”说成“女神节”、“女王节”等不正确称谓,虽然有提醒教育,但没能做到全面彻底制止。


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