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1、政治敏感度和鉴别力欠缺。对社会上一些错误思潮和敏感问题缺乏警惕性和鉴别力,对工作中、生活中、手机和网络里的一些不当言论等现象,The Changing World教师寄语:We must try our best to help the people in need . (我们必须尽我们最大努力去帮助那些需要帮助的人。)Class_ Grade9 Group_ Name_课型:预习+展示课Title: Unit1 The Changing World (变化中的世界)Topic3:The world has changed for the better.(世界变得更加美好了。)Section:

2、 C 1a-3 (P2122) 两课时Learning steps (学习过程): 一、抽测反馈 (Check before class)(5)(我会做)1、根据句意及汉语提示,完成句子。 1)Many countries have h_ people . 2)-How do they _(完成)it? -Once they find people in need, they d_ on suitable ways to offer them help. 3) The p_ provides them enough food, homes ,medical t_, and job _(培训).

3、 4)Tom is my uncle. He is not only an excellent e_ but also the _(秘书)of the Helpers C_. 5)The nurse cleaned the w_ carefully for me.二、学习目标 (Learning target)(1) 1学习新单词及短语:basic, human, value, period, shelter, homelessness, earn, drug, mental, on purpose, whatever, effect, steal, support, phrase, acco

4、rding, context, laborer, cruel;2学习1a的短文,熟读并背记重点句型。学习重点 难点 1熟记新单词、词组及重点句型;2学习对无家可归的人的论述,增强学生的同情心和社会责任感。三、自主学习 (Self-study)(20)(我最棒)1、自学新词汇:先汉译英并写出单词的音标及词性,然后熟读。1)基本的,基础的 ( ) / / _2) 人的,人 ( ) / / _3) 重视,珍视,价值 ( ) / / _4)一段时间,时期 ( ) / / _5)收容所,遮蔽物 ( ) / / _6)无家可归 ( ) / / _7)挣钱,挣得 ( ) / / _8) 毒品,药 ( ) /

5、 / _9)精神健康的,思想的 ( ) / / _10)无论什么,不管什么 ( ) / / _11)影响,结果 ( ) / / _12)偷,窃取 ( ) / / _13)帮助,援助,支持 ( ) / / _14)短语,词组 ( ) / / _15) 据所说 ( ) / / _16)上下文,语境 ( ) / / _17)体力劳动者,劳工 ( ) / / _18)残酷的,冷酷的 ( ) / / _19)故意,有意地 _2、听录音并跟读P21/1a,画出下列短语并翻,然后齐读。1)the most basic human needs_2)around the world_3)support the

6、homeless_4)from one place to another_5)in a shelter_6)on purpose_7)raise their children_8) steal food_9) think of as_10)have a problem with_3、阅读1a并从1b中选择最佳标题写在下面横线上。 _4、根据1a完成1c的表格。Cause of short-time homeless(短时间无家可归的原因)Cause of homelessness(无家可归的原因)Effect of homelessness(无家可归的影响)1)_2)_1)_2)_3)_4)_

7、1)_2)_ _3)_ _5、阅读1a并回答1d的问题。 The answers are :1)_ 2)_3)_四展示提升 (Lets show and improve )(15)(我参与) 1理解短文内容,在文中划出下面的句子并分析。1)No one is ever homeless on purpose.译:_2)Whatever the cause of homeless is , the effects are the same.译:_Whatever 无论什么,不管什么,常用来引导从句,尤其是让步状语从句。如:Whatever I suggest, he always disagre

8、es.无论我提议什么,他总是反对。3) We must think of the homeless as people, not just as problems. 译: _点拨 think of as 将看作(视为), 相当于regard as. 如:I think of this place as my home. 我将这个地方视为我家。2 看2的图片并讨论导致无家可归、童工或战争的原因及结果,然后借助3的句子写一篇原因及结果的短文。The world is becoming better and better. But it still has many problems. For example,_五 梳理巩固 (Summary )(4)(我能行)1、本节课我学习_ _ _ _ _ _ _七个黑体字单词和_ _等词组;2、学习了1a的短文并了解了导致无家可归人的_;3、整理导学案,梳理本节课所学的知识,检查导学案并完成导学案上所有内容,学习组长注意检查督促。六检测达标 (Test in the end ) (5)(我会做)1、根据句意及中文提示完成句子。(每空一词)1)


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