高中英语 unit 1 advertisi language points课件 牛津译林版必修

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1、Unit 1,Unit 1 Advertising,Language points,An advertisement uses words and pictures to persuade people to buy a product or service, or to believe in an idea. 广告使用文字、图片来说服人们购买一种产品或服务,或者接受某种观念。 persuade vt. 劝说、说服 e.g. His friends failed to persuade him to go on the outdoor camping trip. 他的朋友们劝他去户外露营,但失

2、败了。,常用结构: persuade sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事 persuade sb. into doing sth. 说服某人做某事 persuade sb. out of doing sth. 说服某人不做某事,believe in 相信的存在,信任/信赖 e.g. I dont believe in ghosts. I think that stories of ghosts were made up by human beings. 我不相信鬼魂。我认为鬼魂的故事都 是人类编造出来的。 They need a leader they can believe in.

3、 他们需要一个可以信赖的领导。,2. A commercial advertisement is one which someone has paid for to advertise a product or service. 商业广告是为了推销某种产品或服务而花钱做的广告。 句中which引导一个定语从句,修饰 先行词one。 (2)短语pay for的意思是“为付费”。 如:Let me pay for dinner this time. 这次就让我来付饭钱吧。,3. PSAs are often run for free, and are meant to educate people

4、 about health, safety or any other problem that affects public welfare. 公益广告往往是免费投放的,旨在就 有关健康、安全或影响到公共福利的 任何其他问题教育人们。,for free 免费 e.g. Each child coming to the bookshop on Childrens Day will get a book for free. 任何一个儿童节那天来书店的小孩 都能免费得到一本书。,be meant to 旨在,目的是 e.g. What he said at the meeting was meant

5、 to make us support his idea. 会议上他说的话是希望我们支持他 的观点。 The scholarship is meant to encourage the students to work harder at their lessons. 奖学金应该是用来鼓励学生在学业 上更加努力的。,4. There are laws to protect people from advertisements that cheat people. 有法律保护人们免受虚假广告的侵害。 protect from 防止; 保护免受 e.g. People usually wear s

6、unglasses to protect their eyes from the strong sunlight. 人们常常戴太阳镜来保护他们的眼睛 免受强烈太阳光的伤害。,5. However, we still must be aware of the skilful methods used in ads to try and sell us things. 但我们仍然应该了解广告中试图向我 们兜售东西的常用技巧。 be aware of 知道,意识到,明白 e.g. Everybody should be aware of the risks involved. 人人都应该认识到所涉及

7、的风险。,6. Even if an ad does not lie, it does not mean it is altogether innocent. 即使一则广告没有撒谎,也并不意味 着它就是完全“清白”的。 (1) even if 即使,虽然 e.g. Even if I fail this time, I would try again. 即使我这次失败了,我还要再试试。,(2) 副词altogether在句中意为“完全,全 部”,表示强调。如: It was an altogether different situation. 那是完全不同的情形。 (3) 单词innocent

8、意为“无罪的,清白 的”。如: He was sure that the man was innocent of any crime 他确信那个男人没有犯任何罪。,7. You will feel with the nice comment, remember the words freshest food, and make a mental connection with the food in the grocery. 你会很乐于看到其中的恭维,记住“最 新鲜的食品”这几个词,在心理上将其 与该店里的食品联系起来。 comment n. 评论、意见、评价 vt./vi. 评论,常用结构:

9、 make a comment/comments on 对评论/评头论足 no comment 无可奉告 comment on 对评论/评头论足 e.g. It is impolite to comment on others behind their back. 背后对他们评头论足是不礼貌的。,8. We must not fall for this kind of trick! 我们切莫掉进这类陷阱中。 fall for 上的当,受的骗 e.g. How can you fall for the words of the door-to-door salesman? 你怎么会受上门推销的人

10、的骗呢?,9. Not all ads play tricks on us though. 但并非所有的广告都跟我们玩花招。 play tricks on 欺骗,捉弄 e.g. The naughty boy played tricks on me several times last month. 那个调皮的男孩上个月捉弄了我好 几次。,10. These ads deal with widespread social concerns. 这些广告关注普遍存在的社会问题。 deal with 对付;和打交道; 处理;涉及(多和how 连用) e.g. Could you tell me ho

11、w to deal with the problem? 你能告诉我怎样处理这个问题吗?,拓展 do with 对付/处置;与相处; 忍受 (多和what连用) e.g. I dont know what to do with the problem. 我不知道如何处理这个问题。,Complete the following sentences according to the initials or Chinese. I was out of b_ after running for the bus. 2. They believed the child by his p_ reasons.

12、3. The countrys main p_ are gold and cocoa.,reath,ersuasive,roducts,4. These children loved playing t_ on their schoolmates. 5. Which brand of _ (牙膏) do you prefer? 6. They put a(n) _ (广告) in The Morning News, offering a high salary for the right person.,advertisement,ricks,toothpaste,7. The government decided to promote public _ (福利). 8. The new store across the road has taken away most of my _ (顾客). 9. This is a(n) _ (原作的) painting by Picasso.,original,welfare,customers,



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