牛津译林版九年级英语下册教案:u1l1 welcome to the unit 教案

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1、英语(九年级下册)Unit 1 AsiaComic strip & Welcome to the Unit通州金郊初中 曹群I. Teaching aims and learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. know more about Chinese traditional things and some places of interest;2. talk about Chinese things and places with others;3. have a better se

2、nse of our country and the Chinese culture.II. Teaching contents来源:gkstk.Com1. New words and phrases: tiring, step, chopsticks, Chinese knot, Chinese opera, Chinese paper-cutting, dragon dance 2. New structures: What shall I ?Why dont you ? What special things ?III. Focus of the lesson and predicted

3、 area of difficulty1. To use proper expressions to talk about Chinese things and places.2. To express the names and activities of the places of interest correctly and fluently.IV. Teaching proceduresA Comic strip Step 1 Lead-in 来源:学优高考网T: Watch a video. What can we see in the video?【设计意图:以沙画所表现出的艺术美

4、来吸引学生的注意力,渲染浓厚的传统文化氛围,激发学生的兴趣和民族自豪感。同时通过展现长城,顺利引领学生进入comic strip部分主题。】Step 2 Presentation1. ListeningT: Listen to the tape, and answer the questions.来源:学优高考网gkstk(1) Where do Hobo and Eddie go?(2) How do they like the trip to the Great Wall?(3) What do they want to do after they climb the Great Wall

5、 for a short time? 【设计意图:听漫画,呈现问题和表格,让学生带着问题去听。培养学生在听的过程中获取有用信息的能力。在图表中出现了个别生词,以超链接的方式通过图片语料将生词自然而然地呈现,供学生习得,实现让学生在语境中把握生词意义的目的。】2. Reading and actingT: Read Hobo and Eddies conversation and act it out.【设计意图:进一步熟悉漫画的内容,把握Hobo和Eddie的性格、情绪等细节。惟妙惟肖的表演可使学生更进一步把握漫画精髓,体悟人物的情感,激发他们参与课堂的热情。】Step 3 Practice1

6、. A DiaryT: After the trip, Hobo wrote a diary. In the diary, Hobo wrote something about the trip. At the same time, he showed his love to the Great Wall.【设计意图:以日记的形式将对话梳理成文,渗透语篇意识。同时,通过Hobo对长城热爱的情感表达为下文的小组活动打下基础。也为进入Welcome to the unit做好铺垫。】2. Words for Eddie T: What will you say to Eddie?【设计意图:培养学

7、生灵活运用语言的能力,帮助学生在表达自己思想的同时,增强对国家、民族的自豪感。】B Welcome to the unitStep 1 Part A1. Enjoy some pictures T: Enjoy some pictures, and choose the pictures we saw in the video.T: Enjoy more pictures about Chinese things.【设计意图:强调Chinese things,对学生进行中国传统文化熏陶。除了书上所列的Chinese things外,适度拓展,教材内的话题配合教材外的内容,充分彰显了新课标的理念

8、,同时也为小组活动输入了更多的语言储备。】2. Pair work T: Whats your favourite Chinese things? Why?【设计意图:“用”是语言学习的核心和根本。只有在运用中学到的语言知识才是具体的、鲜活的、有生命力的;只有不断运用,语言知识才能得到不断充实、巩固和完善;只有经过运用,语言知识才有意义,用学得的知识进行语言表达,也为下文奠定了说的基础。】Step 2 Part B 1. Enjoy Beijing2. Talk about BeijingT: Listen to the tape, and fill the form.来源:学优高考网gkst

9、k (1) Where shall Kevin visit first? (2) What places does Millie advise Kevin to go to? (3) What things can Kevin see in Beijing?3. Show your idea来源:学优高考网 T: Would you please give your own ideas about Kevins travel plan? You can use the conversation as a model.【设计意图:通过谈论图片内容,帮助学生更多地了解了北京的风景与文化,为下一步提

10、出自己的建议提供了足够的语料,让学生在提建议的过程中学会用英语思维来表达自己的想法,知识的简单获得成功地转化为语用能力的迁移。】Step 3 PracticeIntroduce Nantong1. Group discussion T: What can visitors see or do in the places of interest in Nantong?2. Making a postcard【设计意图:在了解和介绍地域文化的过程中,学生的知识、技能、情感达到高度融合,最终达成本部分的学习目标。】V. Homework1. Talk about more Chinese things and places with your classmates.2. Search for more information about Chinese things.


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