2018届九年级牛津译林版英语上册导学案:第56课时 unit 8 task

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1、第56课时 Unit 8 Task学习目标1. 学习如何有效地阅读英文小说,在阅读中能够正确地进行归纳和概括。2. 能用所学知识创作英语侦探故事。活动方案Activity I 请同学们认真阅读课本P118-119页的课文,找出下列这些词。1. 项链 2. 偷窃 3. 偷,窃取 4. 与.和睦相处 5. 谋生 6. 被指控偷窃 7. 住在隔壁的男子 8. 从班上回来 来源:学优高考网gkstk9. 第二天 10. 报警 10. 因谋杀被捕 Activity II Reading Task1:Read the article quickly and fill in the blanks on P1

2、18.Task2: Answer the questions.1. What did Bruce find one day? 2. What did he plan to do with it?来源:学优高考网来源:学优高考网 3. Did a witness see Bruce running into the building? 4. Was Bruce charged with murder? Task3: Answer questions according to the pictures on P119.1. Who do you think was murdered, a man

3、or a woman? 2. What were the young couple doing? 3. How was he killed? 4. What will the police do? 5. Who do you think is guilty? 检测反馈写作:请根据以下线索写一篇意思连贯的小故事。1. 我妈妈一直和我们的一个新邻居相处得不好。妈妈说他看起来不友好。2. 一天,妈妈回到家,发现她昨天刚买的新项链不见了。3. 我决定立刻报警。4. 突然有人敲门,原来是我们的新邻居。5. 他手里拿着项链,说昨天在门口发现的。6. 妈妈很感激他,并愿意和他成为朋友。My mother g

4、ot along well with all our neighbours except the man who lived next door. 来源:学优高考网【巩固提升】I.选词填空来源:学优高考网gkstk bled to death; took place; broke into; has been dead; safety; leads to was charged with breathing heavily1. Although Lei Feng _ for more than 30 years. We will remember him for ever.2. His har

5、d work _ his success. 3. The sad man was attacked with a knife, at last he _.4. As we all know , the 30th Olympic Games _ in London in August 2012.5. A witness saw him _at that time and had blood on his shirt. 6. Someone _ my house and stole much money away.7. When the earthquake happens, what shoul

6、d we do for our _?8. Unlce Tom _ theft by the police two days ago. Because he stole others money.II. 翻译句子1. I thought this pen was Toms. _(结果是) this pen belongs to Mike.2. The man _(住在隔壁的) was not guilty. 3. How do you _ your work(进展)?4. Jack Smith _(因绑架而被捕) last week.5. The actor _(被看作为) the Chinese Kongfu superstar killed himself two years ago. 6. The wallet _(我在桌子下发现的) is Marys .7. The suspect insisted that he _(与这个谋杀案无关).8. I _(相处地很好) my classmates。


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