2017秋七年级英语(牛津译林版)下册学案:unit7 第六课时task

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1、第六课时Task 一、必会知识点:1. take part in参加(活动) join多指参加某组织,成为其中的一个成员来源:gkstk.Com join in=take part in 1)她经常参加学校的各项活动。 She often _ _ _ /_ _all kinds of our school _. 2)她去年参加了音乐俱乐部。 She _ the Music Club last year. =She became _ _ _ the Music Club last year.2. lose vt.loseslost lose sth. lose ones way=get lost

2、迷路 如果你在城里迷路了,你可以向警察求助。 If you _ _ _/_ _in the city, you can _the policemen _ help.3. look forward to sth/ doing sth. 我们正期望放学后听音乐。 We are _ _ _ _ to music after school.4. hear from sb.= get a letter from sb. 收到某人的来信 hear of/hear about 听说 1)我昨天没有收到她的来信。 Yesterday I didnt . Yesterday I didnt _ _ _ _ _.

3、 2)你听说过那个名叫林涛的勇敢年轻人的故事吗? _ you _ _ that _ young man _ Lin Tao?5. people in need 有需要的人们 我们应该尽最大努力帮助那些有需要的人。 We should _ _ _ _ help people _ _.6. recommend sb. for 推荐某人获.奖 recommend sb. as 推荐某人做 1) 他们想推荐林涛获今年的新星奖。 They want to _ Lin Tao _ this years Young Star Award. 2) 上学期所有学生都推荐他做班长。 All the student

4、s _ him _ the monitor(班长).二、课堂检测来源:学优高考网gkstk假如你是Millie, 你想推荐你班同学Susan为本学期最佳学生奖得主,请根据下列要点写一封推荐信。1. 各门功课学得很好。数学、语文、英语很突出。2. 喜爱体育。篮球打得很好,是校篮球队的成员。3. 非常乐于助人。经常在车上给老人让座,为希望工程捐款。Dear Sir/Madam,_ Yours faithfully, Millie三、作业布置。A填词。1. Simon is so clever that he can learn things _(quick).2. Jim _(lose) his

5、way in the city centre yesterday.来源:学优高考网gkstk3. Its difficult for me _(work) out the Maths problems.4. Nobody taught Sandy Japanese. She learnt it by_(her).来源:学优高考网gkstk5. Is Sandy good at _(sing) English songs?6. Daniel is a student of great _(能力).7. Last year I _(can not) ride a bike. But now I c

6、an.8. The students _ ( rush ) out of the classroom when the bell rang.9. Do you know what _ ( happen ) to her last Sunday?10. A lot of _ (烟)came out of the house. B完成句子。1. 我们期待着参加校运动会。We _ _ _ _ _ _ our sports meeting.2. 当他有空时,他常常在帮手俱乐部帮忙解决大部分电脑问题。来源:学优高考网When _ _ _, he often helps at the Helping Hands Club and _ _ _ the computer work for the club.3. 我们盼望尽早收到你的来信。We look _ to you soon.


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