2017年江西中考英语复习课件 八年级上册units1~3

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1、PK中考,英语,教材整理复习篇,八年级上册,八年级(上册)Units13,Units13,中考考点清单,dislike,like,unlike,full,fill,be full of,die,dying,died,died,death,dead,care,careful,carefully,careless,中考考点清单,anyone,bored,wonderful,diary,wonder,activity,once,program,中考考点清单,quite a few,at least,feel like,the same as,in fact,be similar to,as long

2、 as,care about,中考考点清单,try,to,eat,helps,keep,more,hardworking,中考考点清单,more outgoing,most,hardly ever,中考考点清单,语,法,重,温,1. 不定代词 2频度副词 3. 形容词和副词的比较级,中考考点清单,中考考点讲解,中考考点讲解之考点短语辨析,1.辨析:how often, how soon, how long与how far (1)how often用来提问某动作或状态发生的频率,即问某人在一段时间内做某事做了几次。主要对频度副词或状语提问。 例如:How often does he come h

3、ere? 他(每隔)多久来一次? (2)how soon 指再过多久,主要用来对表示将来的一段时间提问。 例如:How soon will he be back? 他要多久才回来? (3)how long表示多长时间,与延续性动词连用,主要用来对一段时间提问。常用“for+一段时间”和“since+时间点” 回答;表示某东西有多长。 例如:How long does it take to get to London from here? 从这里到伦敦要多长时间? (4)how far意思是“多远”,对距离提问时用。 例如:How far is it from you home to your

4、school ?从你家到学校有多远呢?,中考考点讲解之考点单词辨析,辨析:so与such (1)so 修饰形容词和副词,常与that构成sothat, so 还可以与many, much连用,形成固定搭配,so many +可数名词复数,so much+不可数名词。 例如:Ive had so many falls that Im black and blue all over. 我摔了好多跤,结果全身青一块,紫一块。 She is so nice a girl that our teacher likes her very much她真是个好女孩,我们的老师很喜欢她。 (2)such 修饰名

5、词或名词短语,既可接可数名词,也可接不可数名词。常与that 构成suchthat,意为“如此以至于”。 例如:She is such a pretty girl that everyone likes her. 她是个很可爱的小姑娘,大家都喜欢她。,中考考点讲解之考点句型,“How do you like?”意为“你认为怎么样?”,常用来询问对方对于某人或某事的看法,相当于 “What do you think of?”或 “How do you feel?”。 例如:How do you like the film?你觉得这部电影怎么样? Its great.棒极了。,复习效果自测,1.

6、(2016贵州铜仁)His handwriting is very careful. Yeah. With the help of him, his sister writes as _ as him. A. care B. careful C. more carefully D. carefully 2. (2016黑龙江龙东地区)Lu Han is _ an excellent actor _ most teenagers like him. A. such ; that B. so ; that C. too ; to 3. (2016湖南长沙) _ will you fly to Be

7、ijing? In two days. AHow long BHow often CHow soon,D,A,C,高分作文指导,该话题涉及学生的衣食住行及日常起居等方面的活动。 中考中有关日常活动的书面表达主要从以下几个方面进行 考查: 1个人的日常活动以及日常习惯的形式等。 2个人的业余生活的描述,包括读书、看电视、玩电 脑、做运动、做家务等。 3个人课外活动的描写,包括每天活动的时间、最喜 爱的活动,以前的活动和现在活动相比有什么变化等。,话题分析,日,常,活,动,常用表达词汇,日常活动 : live; work; get up; go to school; go to bed; watc

8、h TV; sleep; walk; ride; take care of ; homework , etc. 家庭杂物 : go shopping; cook; look after; pick up; tidy; clean; wash; do some cleaning; mend 课余时光 : play; study; run; go swimming; read ;dance; sing ; exercise; draw; outdoor activity; rest ; skate; have a good time : enjoy oneself; take photos,常用表

9、达词汇,日常活动 : learn; study; have a rest; swim; sing; dance; sweep; clean; talk; play games; take part in; high jump 课程学习 : Chinese; music; physics; P. E.; art; history; lesson; read; write; discuss; be interested in; do ones best; enjoy,常用表达句型,1.I usually get up at 7:00 and go to bed at 10 :00. 2.I wat

10、ch TV every day. 3.How often do you watch TV? 4.I exercise once a week. 5.I have lunch at school with my classmates together. 6.My father often walks to work. 7.My mother makes the bed and cooks dinner every day. 8.My family takes a walk in the park every weekend.,典例精析,亲爱的同学,你喜欢阅读吗?在全民阅读活动中,我校定于4月23

11、日为全校读书日。请你为我校拟定一则海报宣传读书日。字数:80100。文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。文中包含以下几点: 1阅读很容易,不受时间、地点等限制。 2阅读能给我们带来快乐。(如:能与智者为伴 ) 3阅读非常有用。(如:能帮我们解决生活中的难题 ) 4你有关阅读的做法或打算(12点即可)。 参考词汇 : open up, communicate. . .with. . . , improve, wise men, knowledge. . .,要求:1.书写规范、工整,条理清晰; 2.不逐字翻译,可适当发挥; 3.文中不得出现真实人名、地名、校名等。,Dear students, Rea

12、ding is not only a good habit but also an enjoyable thing._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Winsor School April, 23rd,典例精析,书写本文时可分为三部分:首先是开篇点题,也就是 所给的开头部分;接下来是正文,重点是描述提示要点部 分,前三点我们可用连贯的英文表达,但第四点要求我们 合理地发挥,如你打算每晚读多少、读什么等;最后是结 尾,呼吁大家养成读书的好习惯。为了使文章连贯,书写 时可加入一些连词或一些与表达内容有关的短语或句子 等。,思路点拨,写作示范,Dear students, Reading is not

13、 only a good habit but also an enjoyable thing. First, it is very easy to keep on reading. We can read anywhere and anytime if we want. Second, we may communicate with the wise men all over the world by reading. And reading books can open up our eyes to the outside world and bring us happiness. Thir

14、d, reading is useful for each of us. We can learn much knowledge from books to solve the problems that we may meet every day. Because reading is so important, I m going to read more on weekends or during the vacations. In a word, books are our best friends and teachers.Lets enjoy reading and enjoy our life! Winsor School April, 23rd,Thank you,



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