2017春人教版八年级英语下册练习《unit 8 have you read treasure island yet》课文重难点讲练

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1、Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet? 课文重难点讲解 Section A 1. Have you read Little Woman yet? 你读过小妇人这本书吗?【解析】现在完成时现在完成时的基本句型: 肯定式:主语 + 助动词have/has + 动词的过去分词. 疑问式:助动词Have/Has + 主语 + 动词的过去分词?否定式: 主语 + 助动词have/has + not + 动词的过去分词现在完成时的主要用法1. 表示过去发生的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果。常和副词already, yet, never, ever ,before

2、 ,just等连用。. I have finished my homework. I am free(我已经完成了家庭作业,对现在造成的结果是很有空)2. 表示过去已经开始, 持续到现在的动作或状态.常与since + 过去的时间点,for + 一段时间,so far 等时间状语连用。 I have learnt English for more than ten years. 我已经学了10多年的英语。(从10年前开始,持续到现在还在学) She has swum since half an hour ago.我已经游泳了半个小时 (半个小时前已经开始游泳,到现在还在游)already/ y

3、et的区别:a)already 往往用于肯定句,用在疑问句时表示强 调或加强语气;yet 用于否定句和疑问句。He has already left here. 他已经离开这里了。My teachers havent had breakfast yet. 我的老师们还没有吃早饭。Have you written to your parents yet? 【2012成都】45. Jack, lets go to see the movie Harry Potter. Oh, I _ it many times. So I dont want to see it. A. have seen B.

4、see C. will see【2012广】33. Why dont you go to the movie with me, Betty? Because I _ it before. A. saw B. have seen C. see2.Whats it like? 它怎么样?【解析】某物怎么样? Whats +物+like? How+be + 物? 某人怎么样?Whats +人+like? 用来提问人的性格 What do / does +人 + look like?用来提问人的外表。【2013黑龙江齐齐哈尔】 What does Anna look like? _. A. Shes

5、kind B. Shes tall C. She likes skating3. Oliver Twist is about a boy who went out to sea and found an Island full of treasures. 雾都孤儿 讲的是一个小男孩出海并发现了一个满是珠宝的小岛的故事。【解析】full of 充满 be full of = be filled with 充满【2013山东莱芜】If you read a lot, your life will be full _ pleasure. A. by B. of C .for D. with4. It

6、s about four sisters growing up. 它讲述的是四个姐妹的成长故事。【解析】grow up 长大;成长 I grew up in Beijing.grow into 长大成为 Mary grew into a beautiful girl.5. You should hurry up . 你得快点。【解析】hurry up 赶快;急忙(做某事) (用在口语中,用来催促别人快走)in a hurry匆忙地 hurry to do sth 匆忙去做 hurry off 匆忙离开Im in a hurry. 我很赶。6. The book report is due in

7、 two weeks. 读书报告两周后就要到期了。【解析1】due adj. 预期;预定 , 通常只用作表语。 be due to do sth 预期做某事 You are due to hand in your composition on Friday afternoon.【解析2】in two weeks “两周之后”,in意为“在.以后”, “in+一段时间”用在一般将来时的句子中,意为“在.(时间)后”。 He will be back in a week. 一周之后,他将回来。【注意】:after 常用在一般过去式的句子中。 He got to Beijing after two

8、hours. 他是两个下时候到北京的。7. When I first arrived on this island , I had nothing. 当我第一次到这个岛上的时候,我一无所有。【解析】nothing 没有什么;没有东西 用法:(1)不定代词,意为“什么也没有,没有东西”。相当于notanything. There is nothing in the fridge. She has nothing to do . (2) 当有修饰词来修饰nothing等不定代词时,要放在不定代词后面。 修饰词可以是形容词、动词不定式等。 I want something to drink. I h

9、ave nothing special to tell you. (3)在英语中,不定代词有: something anything everything everyone everybody someone anyone somebody anybody no one nothing nobody Would you like _ (吃的东西)?【2013北京4】-Tom, supper is ready. -I dont want to eat_ ,Mum. Im not feeling well. A. everything B. nothing C. something D. anyt

10、hing【2013莱芜3】A smile costs _, but gives so much. A. something B. anything C. nothing D .everything8. Ive brought back many things I can use food and drink ,tools , knives and guns. 我带回许多我能用的东西 食物、饮料、工具、刀和枪、【解析】bring 带来【辨析】fetch/ bring/ take (1)fetch v 去拿来=get 去(某地) 拿来(讲话者处) (2)bring (brought, brough

11、t) v 带来从(某地)拿到(讲话者处)bring up 养育,养大 bring sb. sth = bring sth to sb. 给某人带某物 (3) take v 带来 从(讲话者)拿走 take took taken【短语】 take care 小心 take charge of 负责,看管 take hold of 握住 take off 脱下 take out 取出take a look 看一看 take away 拿走 take exercise 做运动take it easy 不紧张 take ones time 从容不迫( ) Oh ,Ive left my schoolb

12、ag in the classroom. Dont worry. Ill _it for you.A. bring B. get C. carry D. take( ) The teacher told the students _ any food into the classroom . A. not to bring B. not bring C. dont bring D. to bring not( ) Dont forget _ your history and politics books tomorrow morning. A. bring B. to bring C. bri

13、nging【2013湖北荆州】 Sam, my iPhone is in my bedroom. Could you _ it for me? No problem. A. bring B. fetch C. take D. carry【2013浙江】Ive left my keys in the meeting room. Please _them for me.All right. A. buy B. paint C. wash D. fetch【2013黑龙江】Im sorry, Mr Li. I _ my English homework at home. Dont forget _ it to school tomorrow. A. left, to bring B. forgot, to take C. lost, to bring9.Who else is on my isl


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