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1、抚 顺 市 第 二 十 六 中 学 教 学 案展示汇报: 请将你编写的1c 和2c的对话写在下面1c2c来源:学优高考网来源:学优高考网实践创新: 用所给词的正确形式填空:A: Hello! Could you help me please? B: Certainly! _ can I do for you? 来源:学优高考网A: I _ to move the writing desk, but its _ heavy. B: Where do you want to _ it?A: I want to put it in the next room. B: Ok. _ we go now?

2、 A: Yes, Lets go. B: Oh, Its so _. Is it empty (空的)? A: No. Its full _ books.来源:学优高考网B: I see. Why _ you take _ the books? A: Thats a _ idea. 序号:13年级:八年级学科: 英语 来源:学优高考网gkstk执笔人: xc Unit3第一课时Section A(1a-2d)Could you please clean your room?. 时间:2016教学目标1语言目标:谈论做家务的词汇,及如何有礼貌的提出要求。 2 技能目标:能听懂和谈论做家务的话题;

3、能写出重点单词和重点句型。3 情感目标:培养学生爱劳动,分享家务的能力。教学重点Aims 1 and 2教学难点1. Make polite requests 2. Ask for permission教具:多媒体课件、录音机教学流程课前展示激趣导入探究新知 :1. Watch the photos and talk about them “What does he do every day? Learn these phrases: Read and translate into Chinese从课本中找出下列内容,勾画出来并翻译。1. Come over_ 2. clean up_3. 洗

4、盘子_ 4. 扫地板_5. 倒垃圾_ 6. make the bed_7. 叠衣服_ 8. go out for dinner_9. Have a good rest_ 10. give sb. a ride_11. Stay out_ 12. no problem_翻译下边的句子Could you please take out the rubbish?_用_可以委婉的提出请求。肯定回答_,否定回答_2. Look these phrases and practice the conversation: Could you please take out the rubbish? Sure.

5、 / Sorry, I cant. I have to finish homework first.3. 1a Do you do these chores at home? Discuss them with your partner.Step 3 Listening 1b Listen. Who will do these chores? Check () Peters mother or Peter.每堂一清: 一、连词成句1) take out, could, please ,you ,rubbish ,the 2) are ,I, and, parents, my, going, t

6、omorrow ,vacation ,on 3) I , please , movies , go , could , to , the 4)you , often , the , clean , room, do 5) but, have , you , to , your , finish , first , homework 二、单项选择( )1、-Could I look at your picture? -Yes, of course you _.A. could B. can C.will( )2、The radio is too loud, please _.A.turn it

7、up B. turn it down C. turn down it( )3、There _ some orange and apples on the table.A. are B. has C. is( )4、She is very poor. Little food _ and no room _!A. to eat, to live B to eat, to live in C. eating , living( )5、-Can I talk to you for a minute? -Sure, I have _ time.A. a few B. little C. a little

8、1.Would you like _(take) out the trash?OK, but I want _(sweep) the floor first.2.Her mother often _(help) her _(fold) the clothes. Look! She_(fold) the clothes for her now. 3.I like _(sweep) the floor, but I dont like _(sweep) it today.4.My parents and I _(spend) all day _(do) the chores next week.5

9、.Did you _(do) the dishes? Yes, I _(do) the dishes an hour ago.作业:单项选择6.My friend, Mike, enjoys _(cook) very much. 7.Could you please _(go) out with me?8.We are going to have a _(meet) tomorrow.9.I like to do the dishes because its _(relax). 11.He _(forget) to turn off the light when he left the roo

10、m.12.Its important _ (stay) healthy for everyone.13.She wants _ (clean) the floor on weekend.14.When Tom grows up, he_(go) broad.补全对话:Mom: Kate! We need to clean the house. Your grandmother is _1_ over _2_ 7:00.Kate: OK. But I need _3_ do my homework _4_.Mom: Yes, thats _5_. After you finish your homework, lets clean the living room. I _6_ the floor. Could you take _7_ the trash? Kate: Yes, sure.Mom: Could you _8_ your bed and _9_ your clothes? Kate: All _10_.能力培养:第一课时



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