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1、序号:33年级:八年级学科: 英语 执笔人: 课题:Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains . 第三课时时间:3. Stop to do sth. 停下来(正在做的)做(另一件事情)I have finished my homework, Mom. May I stop _ _ (have) a rest?来源:学优高考网gkstk4. Instead与instead of 的区别。 来源:gkstk.ComLets play the chess watching TV 。( instead ; instead of )来源:学优高考网gks

2、tkI didnt eat breakfast so I ate an apple . ( instead ; instead of )5. as soon as 引导的时间状语从句时态规律:1. 2. I (tell) you the news as soon as he (come) back.As soon as I (get) to the bus stop yesterday, the bus (start).来源:gkstk.Com6. unless的用法:时态总结: 句式总结: You the bus unless you hurry up.I wont go I hear fr

3、om him. (if; unless; as soon as ; )实践创新: 中考链接1. you will fall behind others you work hard . A. if B. unless C. though D. since2. We cant pass the exam , we study hard . A. because B. and C. unless D. or 3. Mary was seriously ill , so I will attend(参加) the meeting . A. instead B. instead him C. inste

4、ad of D. insteads of4. May I go to the zoo with you next Sunday. No you cant . you have a ticket. I have Only one here. A. if B. until C. unless D. as soon as 5. The boy kept _because he wanted to eat ice cream.A. cry B. cried C. crying D. to cry教学目标来源:学优高考网1. 重点单词:step , sister, prince, fit, couple

5、, smile, marry2. 重点短语:once upon a time,fall in love with, get married, sothat, as soon as, give birth to3. 语法:状语从句的用法教学重点1识记并运用本课所学的单词、短语. 2 状语从句的用法教学难点1识记并运用本课所学的单词、短语.2 状语从句教具:多媒体课件教学流程课前展示 激趣导入探究新知 :展示汇报:一、多元导入,明示目标讨论西游记里熟悉的故事情节,分析里面的角色,然后让学生读3a回答问题二、自主学习,合作探究1.翻译官: 把下列句子译成英语,并背诵 故事如何开始的? 从前有个老人_

6、 接下来发生了什么? 那人的话一结束,愚公说他死后他的家人会继续移山。_ 愚公为什么移山? 因为山太大了,他们走到另一边需要很长的时间。 _猴王是谁? 他是西游记里的主要角色。 _ 猴王不会做什么?他不能把自己变成人,除非他能把尾巴藏起来_2. 4a,4b小组讨论完成,然后核对答案质疑问难,展示点拨1. Stop doing sth. 停止做某事。别说了,孩子在睡觉。_ _, the child is sleeping.2. Cant stop doing sth. “禁不住做” 同意短语:cant help doing 这对新人结婚的时候禁不住露出了笑容。The new couple _ _

7、when they got married.每堂一清: 一. 选择:( )1. Wukong can make 72 changes _ his shape and size. A in B on C to D at( )2. The writers new book will _ next month. A come in B come on C come out D come into( )3. Some parents make their children _ chores at home. A to do B do C doing D does( )4. We couldnt hel

8、p _ when we heard the funny story. A laugh B laughing C laughs D to laugh( )5. When water is heated, it will turn _ water vapour (水蒸气). A into B on C in D to二用所给词的正确形式填空:1. If you keep _ _(practice) like that, you will win the race.2. The new couple were so happy that they couldnt stop _ _ (smile) w

9、hen they got married. 3. In the story, Hou Yi _ _ (shoot) down nine suns.4. Mary is a shy girl. She always _ _ (hide) herself in her room.5. Yu Gong said that his family could continue_ _ (move) the mountains after he died.作业:汉译英:1. 有时他把金箍棒变小,可以放在耳朵里。Sometimes he can _ the stick _small _ he can _ in

10、 his ears.2. 我情不自禁地喜欢上了这幅画。 I just couldnt help _ the painting.3. 你应该为了爱而结婚。 You should _ for love.4. 糟糕的开端能转变为美好的结局。Bad beginnings can _ good endings.选择:1. He didnt go to school yesterday_ he was ill.A. because B. because of C. if D. when2. Did you finish _the book last night?A. read B. reading C. to read D. reads3. There are many ways _English.A. learn B. to learn C. learning D. learned4. He doesnt _to have many friends.A. look B. sound C. seem D. smell5. The P. E. teacher often makes us_.A. to tire B. tired C. tiring D. happily6. Weve got no coffee. Lets have tea _A. ins



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