2017年秋九年级英语(人教版 学案)unit 1 第3课时 section a (grammar focus~4c)

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2017年秋九年级英语(人教版 学案)unit 1 第3课时 section a (grammar focus~4c)_第1页
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《2017年秋九年级英语(人教版 学案)unit 1 第3课时 section a (grammar focus~4c)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017年秋九年级英语(人教版 学案)unit 1 第3课时 section a (grammar focus~4c)(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第三课时Section A (Grammar Focus4c)【学习目标】1学生学会掌握单词repeat,note,pal,physics,chemistry,memorize,pattern。2指导学生通过学习,培养自己遇到困难不放弃的心态。【学习重点】学会使用by doing sth.结构来介绍学习方法。【学习难点】掌握“How do you learn?I learn by doing”对话,学会询问学习方法并回答。学习提示Review:Last lesson Wei Fen told us how she learns English.What did we learn from he

2、r?Do you recognize the story?Who can retell Wei Fens English learning?(Teacher shows pictures and phrases)Task 1学习提示Preview the words on P4,read these words by phonetic symbols.Then draw new words in line and mark Chinese meaning.【学法指导】note作名词,可数,意为“笔记;记录”。常用结构take notes意为“记笔记”。作动词,意为“注意;指出”。practic

3、e来源:gkstk.Com作动词,意为“练习”,常用结构practice doing sth.意为“练习做某事”。作名词,不可数,意为“练习;实践”。情景导入生成问题How does Wei Fen learn English?_建议句型:have some trouble in doing sth.I cantmy biggest problem is thatI dont know how toIts difficult for me toI want to improve自学互研生成能力Task 1Lets read new words and the phrases.1I can re

4、ad.(我会读)预习下列单词,争取自己能正确拼读。拼读成功后再在课文中把单词标记出来。来源:gkstk.Comrepeat,note,pal,physics,chemistry,memorize,pattern2I can write.(我会写)翻译下列词语:(1)练习说 practice_speaking(2)记笔记 take_notes(3)记句型 memorize_sentence_patterns (4)写日记 keep_a_diary(5)写给某人 writeto_sb.Task 2Lets make conversations and interview.1I can practi

5、ce.(我会练)(1)根据汉语意思完成下列英语句子,每空一词。你如何学习英语?How do you learn English?我通过小组的方式学习。I learn by studying with a group.你通过大声朗读来学习英语吗?Do you learn English by reading aloud?你可以通过读意群来更快地阅读。You can read faster by reading word groups.我怎样才能改进我的发音?How can I improve my pronunciation?(2)完成教材P4上4a和4b的练习。2I can make conv


7、lls.What_about_you?Task 2学习提示1Students read and translate the sentences in Grammar Focus,and scribing these phrases,such as by studying,by reading,by listening and say out what sentence structure and grammar they each stand for.来源:gkstk.Com2Teacher guides students finishing practices in 4a and 4b an

8、d check the answers.3Students sum up the sentence structure of “bydoing”【备注】mind doing sth.介意做某事cant keep doing sth.禁不住做某事have fun doing sth.高兴做某事feel like doing sth.愿意做某事keep (on) doing sth.继续(一直)做某事be busy (in) doing sth.忙于做某事look forward to doing sth.期望做某事A:I_usually_have_conversations_with_my_fr

9、iends.It_really_helps_me_a_lot.B:That_sounds_interesting.The_more_you_practice,the_faster_you_improve_your_spoken_English.3I can summarize.(我会总结)(1)bydoing意为“通过做的方式”,此结构常用来回答How do you?或How can I?这类句型。(2)动名词作宾语: 跟在及物动词后作宾语,如:enjoy/like_doing_sth.喜欢做;practice_doing_sth.练习做;finish_doing_sth.完成做跟在介词后作宾

10、语,如:by_doing通过做;Thanks_for_doing_sth.非常感谢你做了;be_interested_in_doing对做感兴趣。交流展示生成新知Show in groups.(Time:six minutes)First the students read the words and phrases in groups,then read together and sum up the usage of the words in groups,then mark the difficult words in pronunciation and understanding(th

11、ey can ask the teacher for help)At last write them on the blackboard.First the students discuss and check the answers in Task 2,then discuss,make dialogues and set scenes to perform the dialogues.At last write show contents on the blackboard.Class show.(Time:sixteen minutes)1I can read.Read together

12、,pay attention to the pronunciation of“chemistry”,“memorize”and“pattern”;Sum up and explain the usage of “note”;Consolidate the word learning by word game.2I can write.Students translate the phrases into English by answering quickly;Read together and emphasize the usage of“practice”;Spot test:Consol

13、idate the usage of phrases by making sentences.1I can practice.Ask students to finish the exercises;Check the answers by answering quickly and explain.2I can make conversations.Students make dialogues according to the task;Set scenes to perform the dialogues;Spot test:Interview in class and design e

14、xercises according to the interview.3I can summarize.Students sum up the usage of“by”and the structure of “prepositionverb noun”;Spot test:Consolidate it by exercises and check the answers and explain.当堂演练达成目标来源:gkstk.Com用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1._Doing (do) lots of listening practice is one of the secrets of becoming a good language learner.2We show our love to our mothers by giving (give)them flowers on Mothers Day.3Its interesting to_have (have) a picnic in spring.4Please tell me how


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