2017学年人教版八年级英语上册学案:unit 7 will people have robots section b 3a-self check

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《2017学年人教版八年级英语上册学案:unit 7 will people have robots section b 3a-self check》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017学年人教版八年级英语上册学案:unit 7 will people have robots section b 3a-self check(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、课 题Unit 7 SectionB 3a-self check课 型New执笔人来源:学优高考网gkstk来源:学优高考网gkstk审核人 级部审核 学习时间第 周第5导学稿教师寄语He who has hope has everything.( 怀有希望者,便拥有一切。)学习目标知识目标:1.熟练掌握以下词汇: pet, probably, be good for, wear, holiday, both.and.,the meaning of,during the week,interesting,on the weekend2.熟练掌握以下句型:1) In 20 years,I thi

2、nk Ill be a newspaper reporter.(2) On the weekend, Ill look less smart but I will be more comfortable.(3) What will your be like ?技能目标:能完成阅读任务并能够运用3a核心句型,写出对自己未来生活的预测和设想。情感态度:每个人都应该拥有梦想和人生目标,并且为之不懈努力直至梦想实现。学生自主活动材料课前预习. 根据自己的实际情况为自己的未来制定计划。未来职业来源:学优高考网未来居住地点未来爱好未来衣着打扮未来度假计划Ill be_Ill live_Ill _Ill w

3、ear_Ill go to_.在同学之中展开调查,询问他们梦想的职业并记录下来。Name来源:学优高考网gkstkJob来源:gkstk.Com课堂学习Warming up 全班进行交流,讨论各自梦想的生活。讨论时可借助如下句型:A:What do you think your life will be like in ten years?B: Ill be an astronaut. Ill live in an apartment andWhile reading1. Skimming(略读):在3a中作者预测了自己20年后的生活状况。快读短文,回答问题:(1) What will Jil

4、l be in 20 years? (2)What does Jill mention(提到)in 3a?(多选题)A. 职业 B. 居住地点 C. 爱好 D. 衣着打扮 E. 薪水 F. 度假计划2. Scanning(找读):1)仔细阅读短文,完成3a的填空。2)再细读短文,在3a中标出含有“will”的句子,并熟读这些句子。3. Ss read the filled passage aloud for 5 minutes to recite.4. Reading up(研读)1)自主学习找出重、难点。_2)合作探究细读全文,提出疑难问题,小组讨论,互助解答。_观察与思考:(1) 这篇短文

5、中出现了一般将来时这种时态,请从短文中找出这种时态的时间状语。你还知道哪些常用的时间状语?(2) 注意观察文章的开头与结尾,这篇文章从哪些方面描述了作者二十年后的生活?(3) 请仔细观察下面的二个句子,然后总结be good for和be good at的用法我的公寓对养宠物不太好。My apartment will be no good for pet.我擅长唱歌。 Im good at singing.be good for 后跟_,译为_主语通常为_ be good at 后跟_,译为_,主语通常为_练习:用 be good for 和 be good at填空 Ming _swimmi

6、ng in the river. Doing morning exercises _your health.(4)wear指_,意为;put on 指_,意为_;in后跟_,指_, dress sb.既可指_也可指_。练习: (1)I_ a coat every day.2) Look! The girl_ red is my sister.3) Some Kids can_ themselves before five years old.After reading1. Groupwork:交流课前准备的预习成果。讨论时可借助如下形式:Ill be an astronaut. Ill liv

7、e on a space station. Ill play football in my free time. Ill wear a suit and Ill have long hair. Ill go to Japan on vacation.2. 通过讨论,在班里评选出来未来的最佳职业、居住地点、爱好、衣着打扮和度假计划3. 完成3b的表格。借助3a,尝试写成短文。4. 仔细观察下列各句的时间状语,利用所给动词的适当形式填空。(1) Which country _(win)the next World Cup?(2) What _ the weather _(be)like tomor

8、row?(3) Which movies _(win)awards next year?(4) What _teenagers_(do)for fun twenty years from now?5. Pairwork:结合生活实际,同桌之间就以上四个问题进行讨论。6. 完成4和self check.来源:gkstk.Com知识巩固. 用所给词的正确形式填空。1. There are many new _ (build) in our city.2. We can do the work with _ (little) money and _(few) people.3. Maybe he w

9、ants to go _ (skate).4. There are _ (hundred) of people on the ground.5. Where do you think Sally _(work)ten years from now?6. The boy _(fly) to New York two days ago, and he _(be) back soon.7. _(be) you at school yesterday evening? We had an exciting party.8. When I grow up, I_ (be) a famous pilot.

10、 用适当的介词填空。1. _ten years, I think Ill be a reporter. 2. Ill live _ Shanghai.3. I fell _love _the beautiful city.4. _ a reporter, I think I will meet lots of people.5. _ the week, I go to school and have many classes. 6. _the weekends, I usually stay at home.课堂反思. 为自己制定未来计划或预测未来应该从哪些方面考虑?分别采用什么句式表达?. 在本课,你又掌握了哪些新的词汇、句型,写下来吧。家庭作业: I. 根据本课所学到的重点句型,模仿3a写一写你的未来计划。可仿造3b的模式写,文章开头已给出。 In 20 years, I will be . 依据本单元每课时的学习目标全面复习,准备单元质量检测。教学反思:



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