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1、第八课时 Self Check,Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?,一、词汇运用。 A)根据句意及汉语提示完成下列单词。 1Last weekend,I fed some _(猪) on my uncles farm. 2He told me a _(精彩的) story. 3You can go _ (任何地方) you like this summer. 4I want to buy a new _(雨伞) 5We are _(等待) for my father to have dinner.,pigs,wonderful,anywhere,umbre

2、lla,waiting,B)用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 6They decided _ (visit) their English teacher. 7The man over there seems _ (be) a new teacher. 8She had nothing to do and felt a little _ (boring) 9Did you buy _ (something) in the shopping center? No,I didnt. 10Everyone in my family _ (be) very friendly.,to visit,to b

3、e,bored,anything,is,C)根据句意,选择方框中的单词并用其适当形式填空。 diary, activity, enough, duck, dislike 11Look!There are many _ in the river. 12Dont worry!You have _ time. 13Its good for you to keep a _ 14Tom likes sleeping and _ getting up early. 15There are a lot of _ in our school.,ducks,enough,diary,dislikes,activ

4、ities,二、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。 16因为身体状况不好,他放弃了出国留学的机会。 He gave up the chance of going abroad _ _ his poor health. 17他感觉他像一只小鸟。 He _ _ he was a _ ,because of,felt like,bird,18他似乎很喜欢这个游戏。 He _ _ _ the game. 19我想知道她正在做什么。 I _ what _ _ doing. 20她如此地高兴以至于上下跳动。 She was _ happy _ she jumped _ _ _,seems/seemed to en

5、joy/like,wonder,she is,so,that,up and down,三、语法填空。 I went to Hawaii(夏威夷) last summer.Hawaii is a very beautiful place.Many people go there 21._ their vacation every year.The weather was pretty nice during my 22._ (stay) in Hawaii.It was 23._ (sun) every day.I visited many beautiful places and I had

6、a good time there.I went to the beaches.I 24._ (see) many people there.Some played on beaches;some lay on beaches and looked 25. _ the sky,and 26._ swam in the sea.,for,stay,sunny,saw,at,others,Hawaii is the best place 27._ (do) water sports in the world.A very popular sport is surfing(冲浪)Its 28._ (

7、excite) but dangerous. People in Hawaii are very 29._ (friend)Many of them are good at 30._ (dance)There,I saw them dance very well.,to do,exciting,friendly,dancing,四、完形填空。 This summer,I went for a budget trip(穷游). I visited Shandong,Tianjin and Beijing with my _31_. What a special and surprising _3

8、2_ it was! My father and I only _33_ about 1,000 yuan for the trip. We tried some different ways to _34_ money.,We didnt take planes _35_ the air tickets were expensive. We didnt have enough _36_ for air tickets. We decided to take _37_. Hard seats were our first choice. We _38_ the hard sleeper(卧铺)

9、only when we were too _39_ As for hotels,we chose to live in small and cheap hotels. We didnt want to spend money living in large and _40_ hotels.,We didnt eat out. We went to the _41_ to buy some vegetables and meat,and then we _42_ meals in the hotels. We saved a lot of money _43_ this way. I _44_

10、 a lot from the trip. I want to go for _45_ budget trip again. Would you like to go with me next time?,( )31.A.father Bmother Csister Dbrother ( )32.A.place Btrain Ctrip Dmeal ( )33.A.cost Btook Cpaid Dspent ( )34.A.save Buse Cmake Dfind ( )35.A.because Bso Calthough Dbut ( )36.A.food Bmoney Cway Dt

11、ime ( )37.A.boats Bbikes Ctrains Dbuses ( )38.A.lived Bchose Csent Dpicked ( )39.A.angry Btired Crelaxed Dexcited,A,C,C,A,A,B,C,B,B,( )40.A.cheap Bexpensive Chigh Dlow ( )41.A.markets Blibraries Chotels Drestaurants ( )42.A.took Bbought Clearned Dcooked ( )43.A.for Bby Cin Don ( )44.A.prepared Bstar

12、ted Clearned Dfinished ( )45.A.other Banother Cothers Dthe other,B,A,D,C,C,B,五、阅读理解。,46.Where did Kevin go on his vacation?_ AHe went to the beach. BHe went to the museum. CHe went to the mountains. DHe stayed at home. 47Kevin stayed in the hotel for _ Afive days Bsix days Ca week Dten days,A,B,48To

13、m went to the mountains with his _ Aparents Bclassmates Ccousins Dfriends 49Tom didnt see _ in the mountains. Akoalas Btigers Cgiraffes Dflowers,D,B,50How did Susan spend the Earth Hour?_ AShe did some reading at home. BShe turned off the light and slept at home. CShe went to the movies with her fri

14、ends. DShe took a walk with her mother.,D,六、任务型阅读。 下面第5155题是五个关于假期经历的问题,AG是七个人的回答,请将问题和回答匹配起来,并将答案的字母编号填在题前的括号内。(有两项多余) ( )51.Hi,Mike. Where did you spend your vacation? How did you go there? ( )52.Did you eat any local food when you were on vacation? Was it delicious?,C,F,( )53.I heard you had a li

15、ttle accident during your trip in Shanghai,Miss Yang. How did it happen? Are you OK now? ( )54.Mr. Brown,I am going to Hawaii to take a holiday next week. I know you went there last month. Could you tell me how much a single room is? ( )55.Did you take these photos on the beach? The water looks really great. Did you swim there?,A,G,D,ABad



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