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1、电子备课教案模板教学内容8A,Unit3 Reading 2主备人授课人集体备课成员教学目标1. To figure out the way in which the writer wrote the passage2.To learn to write about a trip in an informal way教学重点To read the passage again, focusing on language points and sentence patterns教学难点To grasp the language points and sentence patterns突破难点主要策

2、略Group work, pair work课前准备PowerPoint, pictures, etc.集体研讨课文内容主备初稿集体讨论意见个性化内容Step1 Lead in 1.Students read the text together2.Get the students to read the text together. And then give them a very simple outline of the passage and help the students to retell the text. Mr.Wu invite sb. to do sth. On the

3、 way At the gate of the World ParkInside the World park Photos of the trip3. Get the student to finish Part B4, Page 34. Check the answers and read the dialogue. Step 2 Reading the text again1. Get the students to read the text again. Get the students to work in groups of four and try to figure out

4、what each paragraph is about. Part 1 A brief introduction to the trip. (Para. 1) Part 2 On the way to the Park(Para. 2)Part 3 Inside the Park(Para. 3-5)Part 4 Photos of the trip (Para. 6)2. Read the passage paragraph by paragraphGet some of the students to read the passage paragraph by paragraph, fo

5、cusing on explaining the language points. STEP 3 Reading the sentences1. As we are figuring out the outline, read the sentences and stop where language points can be located. Kittys teacher Mr. Wu invited me to join in their school trip to the World Park. (L. 2 3) It took us about two hours. (L. 5)T

6、here was a lot of traffic on the way.(L. 6)We finally arrived at the park. (L. 7)All of us couldnt wait to get off. (L. 7)There are over a hundred places of interest from all over the world. (L. 9)The Golden Gate Bridge looked as great as the one back home. (L. 12-13)We became very excited when we s

7、aw the Eiffel Tower from the coach!(L. 11)It was an amazing day. (L. 14)You can see some photos of the trip on the Internet. (L. 17)Go and see for yourself! (L. 18)Step 4 Activities1. Try to recite the passage by following the outline. 2. Do exercises.Step 5 Homework1. Grasp the phrases and expressions 2.Finish the exercises in the Handbook. 教学后反思文章语言点较多,教师讲解时应尽量减少,保证学生的学习积极性。同时,教师讲解知识时一定让学生多去例子,不能填鸭式教学。


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