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1、为隆重中国共产党成立97周年,充分发挥基层党组织战斗堡垒和共产党员的先锋模范作用,在二轻系统营造奋勇争先、创造新业绩的浓厚氛围2017年秋高三(A)英语作业(21) 第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21. Toyota Company has _ millions of vehicles, struggling to regain it reputation.A. called offB. called inC. called up D. called for22. Is the painting i

2、n the Yangzhou Museum the_work by Zheng Banqiao, or just a copy?A. abundantB. ambiguousC. authentic D. academic23. The insurance company says only those travelers whose insurance includes the relative trip, will receive some money in_.A. compromiseB. compensationC. comprehension D. commitment24. The

3、 old pictures have brought us to the days_we spent a pleasant time together in the countrysideA. whichB. asC. whenD. that25. You must notice_the emergency exit is when entering the building.A. whichB. in whichC. whatD. where26. Mother s sudden death was a great blow to Mary and it took her quite a w

4、hile to_thegrief.A. get overB. take overC. turn overD. run over27. After the earthquake, the relatives of children protected them from the knowledge_their parents already passed away.A. whenB. that C. where D. which28. -Doyou know why the Sun rises in the east? - Well,_I havent read about it.A. You

5、got it. B. You can say it again.C. You dont say. D. You have me there.29._ himself with routine office tasks, he had no time to accompany his children.A. OccupyingB. OccupiedC. Being occupied D. To be occupied30. As the fact that the ambassador was killed made the situation worse, hopes of a peace s

6、ettlement are now_.A. fadingB. increasingC. decreasingD. promoting31. - Susan, I have got A for my essay on environmental protection. Great! You_read a lot about it.A. canB. shouldC. must have D. should have32. In fighting against fascist, Chinas economy dropped considerably;_, many lives were claim

7、ed.A. above allB. for another thing C. in contrastD. on top of that33. _ about game rules better, I would have won it.A. Had I knownB. If I knewC. If I should know D. Would I know34. They_their report to the chancellor yesterday for her approval.A. substitutedB. submittedC. withdrewD. distributed35.

8、 -Have you heard that more flight from Yangzhou to Beijing are available this year? -Of course. Many citizens are_at the exciting news for its quite convenient for them to travel.A. green with envyB. feeling blueC. over the moonD. hot under the collar 第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、

9、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Susies Run In parenthood, we learn as much from our children as they do from us. They 36 us of a time when we were full of ideas and hope, 37 we learned to doubt ourselves or see 38 in our path. Our daughter Susie was in the fifth grade when she faced her first lessons about life a

10、nd death and 39 . Her classmate Jeff was 40 with Leukemia (白血病). While some of the children reacted with 41 . Susie chose caring. They spent all their time together playing, studying and talking. So it was a 42 to our daughter when the Leukemia prevailed (占上风),sickness returned, and her best friend

11、slipped away. Thats when our 43 daughter showed us the best of her creativity and strength and reminded us about the power of belief. Susie wanted to do something that would help people remember Jeff. 44 in health he had enjoyed running, she decided on a Jeff Castro Memorial Run. When she came to us

12、 with her idea, we were proud and moved, but 45 . Without telling us, Susie 46 her teachers. They praised her for the idea, 47 too,explained why it wouldnt work. Besides all the effort involved, they told her,she would need a tremendous amount of sponsorship money. They suggested a small jump-a-thon

13、 48 . Susie listened, and moved along her way. A week later, we started getting phone calls at home from Pepsi-Cola and other companies asking for Susie. Theyd been contacted about 49 a run. At this point we knew our daughter had 50 her dream and we certainly werent going to stand 51 . There was goi

14、ng to be a run. After months of planning, coordination and fund-raising, the Jeff Castro Run for Leukemia took place. And was it a success? 52 Over $20,000 was raised, with half 53 expenses and a check of $10,000 proudly 54 to the Leukemia Society. All because a little girl who loved a little boy ha

15、d a 55 that no one could change.36. A. remindB. recallC. rememberD. reward37. A. whenB. beforeC. afterD. while38. A. victoryB. barriersC. motivationsD. despair39. A. sympathyB. appreciationC. admirationD. affection40. A. takenB. curedC. treatedD. diagnosed41. A. enthusiasmB. supportC. rejectionD. calmness


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