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1、为隆重中国共产党成立97周年,充分发挥基层党组织战斗堡垒和共产党员的先锋模范作用,在二轻系统营造奋勇争先、创造新业绩的浓厚氛围Unit 2 Working the land A Pioneer For All People(授课日期: 年 月 日 星期 班级 )授课题目Book4 unit2 Working the land-A Pioneer For All People拟 课时第 课时明确目标1、知识与技能:Enable students to know Yuan Longping. Practise students ability to give a general idea to a

2、 text through fast reading.2、过程与方法: Discussion, fast-reading; careful-reading.3、情感态度与价值观:How to help students make up their minds to make contributions to motherland in the future like Dr Yuan. 重点难点重点:Teach the basic reading skills: skimming and scanning.难点: Help students really master the usage of

3、words and expressions.课型讲授 习题 复习 讨论 其它教 学 内 容 设 计教师自备内容Step1. Check the homework. 1. words revision; 2. words review.Step2. Pre-reading 1. What is the main food in all East Asian and Southeast Asian countries? 2.prediction Look at the title and the pictures. Then answer the following questions. 1) W

4、hat do you think the passage will tell us? 2) What is Yuan Longping doing in the picture on the top right?Step3. Fast- readingRead the text silently in 4 minutes , and find out the main idea of the whole passage The text is about _ who made a great contribution to producing better _.2. Read the text

5、 again and try to match the main idea of each paragraph.Para1 A. Dr Yuans dreams.Para2 B. Dr Yuans personality.Para3 C. Dr Yuans biography. Para4 D. Dr Yuans appearance and his achievementStep4 careful-reading Read paragraph to paragraph and ask students to answer following questions: Para. 1 Dr Yua

6、ns appearance and his achievement Q1: What does Dr Yuan look like?Q2: What is his achievement? Para. 2His biographyTimeinformation19301953As a young manIn a recent harvestnowPara.3 Dr Yuans personality(个性) 1.Which of the following description about Dr Yuans personality is not true?( )A. He is satisf

7、ied with his life because he is now rich and famous.B. He cares little about money and fame.C. He would rather work than lead a comfortable life.D. He enjoys a simpler life than most rich and famous people.2.Hobbies:1.listening to violin music 2.playing mah-jong 3.swimming 4.readingParagraph 41.Topi

8、c sentenceJust dreaming for things, however, costs nothing.2.yuan longpings two dreams The first dream: The second dream:Step5 Post-reading 1. Do the exercise1 1 on page11 2. Use some adjectives to describe Yuan LongpingStep6 Homework Read the text and try to retell it next period.教学后记:全面贯彻落实党的十九大精神,经研究,决定在系统内开展以“不忘初心、牢记使命”为主题的“红七月服务月”活动。现就有关事项通知如下


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