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1、为隆重中国共产党成立97周年,充分发挥基层党组织战斗堡垒和共产党员的先锋模范作用,在二轻系统营造奋勇争先、创造新业绩的浓厚氛围Unit 4 Body language Using Language(授课日期: 年 月 日 星期 班级 )授课题目Unit4 Book4 Reading in Using Language拟 课时第 课时明确目标1、知识与技能: 1). Enable the students to know more about body language.2). How we can “show our feelings” with the body language learn

2、ed in this unit or gained in our social life.2、过程与方法: Fast reading: dealing with the “true” or “false” questions.Discussion: the importance of body language.3、情感态度与价值观:To arouse Ss interest in learning about body language.重点难点重点:How body language shows the same or different feelings among people fro

3、m different cultures.难点:How to tell that the same body language shows different feelings in different cultures.课型讲授 习题 复习 讨论 其它教 学 内 容 设 计教师自备内容StepPre-reading1. What is the function of body language?2. How do you find body language in our daily life?3. How can the same body language express differe

4、nt feelings or ideas in different cultures?4. How can different body language express the same feeling or idea in different cultures?Step Fast readingTURE OF FALSE1. Body language is never as powerful as spoken language. 2. If you are angry at a person, you might turn your back to him or her.3. You

5、can threaten a person by refusing to speak.4. You should not greet your new boss by giving her or him a hug.5. Body language is the same all over the world.6. Most people can understand each other if they try.Then ask the students to do it one by one and ask them to explain why some of the statement

6、s are wrong.Step Further readingT: We have just read a passage entitled “Showing Our Feelings”, which tells us more about body language. Now lets read another passage in the Workbook on P66. The title of the reading text is: The Open Hand - A Universal Sign. You will be given 3 minutes to read throu

7、gh the text as quickly as you can, trying to get as much information from the text as possible. T: What information have you got?S1: More about body language, sir. We have learned how people are communicating or getting along with each other besides using spoken language. We are also asked to think

8、about some new situations in which we will communicate in body language.S2: And we have to think about the following questions: It is known that a smile is a sign that people feel friendly and happy. But we have to consider: 1. What if we dont know who the new person is? 2. What if we are not introd

9、uced by a friend? 3. What if we are meeting a stranger in an unfamiliar place?S3: And the most important of all is that we have to makesure whether we can trust people we do not know, and we have to show that we are not dangerous.T: I am more than happy to hear you can get so much information from t

10、he passage when you do the reading! Now lets act out some of the gestures in the reading material, OK?Some students are asked to act out the body language which appears in the reading text is: The Open Hand - A Universal Sign, such as a handshake, the traditional greetings in China, the Japanese way

11、 to greet people, the ways Hindu people and Muslims use to greet people, and the way young people in the West use now.Several minutes later.T: Before we come to the end of this period, lets take up the last item, doing the arrangement of the information under the passage on Page 67.S4: It can be dan

12、gerous to meet people you do not know.S5: Many Asian people do not usually physically touch strangers.S6: If we show an open hand, it means that we are not holding anything dangerous.S7: The right hand is usually used because it is almost the stronger.S8: People shake their hands when meeting to show that they can be trusted.S9: To show respect, people will touch their heart and mouth when greeting someone.Step IV HomeworkGet ready to retell the two reading passages learnt in this period.教学后记:全面贯彻落实党的十九大精神,经研究,决定在系统内开展以“不忘初心、牢记使命”为主题的“红七月服务月”活动。现就有关事项通知如下



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