八年级英语上册 期末考前专题复习 专题一 完形填空课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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1、期末考前专题复习,八年级英语上册(浙江地区),专题一 完形填空,(一) Last night I was driving from Harrisburg to Lewisburg,a distance of about 80 miles.It was late and I wanted to go back home quickly,so I was driving _1_At one point along an open highway,I came to a crossing with a traffic light.I was _2_ on the road at that time,

2、but as I came near the light,it turned _3_,and I stopped my car and waited.I looked left,right,and behind me.Nothing.There was no cars or people around my car,_4_ I still stopped there,waiting for the light to _5_,the only person,for at least a mile in any _6_,I started thinking why I _7_ to run the

3、 light.I was not afraid of meeting the policeman,because there was _8_ no policeman anywhere around,and there certainly would have been no _9_ in going through it. Much later the _10_,after Id met with a group in Lewisburg and had climbed into bed near midnight,the question of why Id stopped for tha

4、t light _11_ me.,I think I stopped _12_ its part of a contract (契约) we all have with each other.Its not only the law,but its an agreement we have,and we believe each other to _13_ it:we dont go through red lights.We do _14_ we say well do.We show up when we say well show up. I was so proud (自豪的) of

5、myself for _15_ for that red light.And as no one would ever have known what a good person I was on the road from Harrisburg to Lewisburg,I had to tell someone.,( )1.A.fast Bslowly Ccarefully Dhard ( )2.A.late Balone Cworried Dafraid ( )3.A.green Byellow Cred Ddark ( )4.A.and Bor Cso Dbut ( )5.A.retu

6、rn Bchange Cstart Dcontinue ( )6.A.shop Brestaurant Cdirection Dinformation ( )7.A.refused Bdecided Cexpected Dforgot ( )8.A.hardly Bluckily Cusually Dclearly,A,B,C,D,B,C,A,D,( )9.A.danger Bexcuse Cspace Dreason ( )10.A.moment Bnight Cafternoon Dmorning ( )11.A.depended on Blooked after Cstayed away

7、 from Dcame back to ( )12.A.though Bif Cbecause Duntil ( )13.A.improve Bfollow Cforget Dbreak ( )14.A.what Bhow Cwhy Dthat ( )15.A.thinking Brunning Cstopping Dwatching,A,B,D,C,B,A,C,(二) “Who needs a shopping center if you have Taobao?” says Wang Lin,a writer in Shanghai.Taobao is _1_ online shoppin

8、g site in China.It becomes an important part of Wang Lins life.She _2_ lots of money buying the things she likes on Taobao. A growing number of Chinese Internet users _3_ Wang Lin find the fun of online shopping.They dont have to spend a lot of time going to the shops.Just click the mouse,they can f

9、ind almost _4_ they need on Taobao,from clothes to books,from candies to DVD players.,_5_ online shoppers are students or young people.More women _6_ online than men.According to a survey,_7_ and household things are the most popular on their shopping list.“People like to buy clothes online _8_ they

10、 can often buy the clothes at a very good price.”Wang Lin says.Taobao means “ _9_ treasure” in Chinese.,The most important _10_ for an online shopper is the November 11Singles Day shopping festival.At first,it is _11_ a day to celebrate being single (单身),but now,it means the biggest online promotion

11、 (促销) in China.Online shoppers from 217 countries outside China _12_ the shopping festival.,You _13_ worried about the security (安全性) of online shopping.Wang Lin says,“Unless you get the things you buy from the sellers,the shop owner _14_ the money.You can _15_ get your money back if you want to ret

12、urn the things you buy online.”,( )1.A.the poorest Bthe simplest Cthe largest Dthe smartest ( )2.A.spends Bpays Ccosts Dtakes ( )3.A.of Bwith Cat Dlike ( )4.A.something Banything Cnothing Deverything ( )5.A.All BMost CA little DFew ( )6.A.discuss Bpromise Cshop Daccept ( )7.A.clothes Btoys Cbooks Df

13、ood ( )8.A.so Bthough Cbecause Duntil,C,A,D,D,B,C,A,C,( )9.A.looking after Blooking for Clooking out Dlooking forward to ( )10.A.rule Btime Cway Dperson ( )11.A.quite Bcertainly Cpretty Djust ( )12.A.refused Bchose Cexpected Djoined ( )13.A.may be Bcan Cshould be Dmust ( )14.A.will get Bwill pay Cwo

14、nt get Dwont pay ( )15.A.also Btoo Ceither Dso far,B,B,D,D,A,C,A,(三) Some students cheat (作弊) _1_ theyre busy or lazy and they want to get good grades without _2_ the time studying.Other students might feel that they cant _3_ the test without cheating.Even when there seems to be a “good reason” for

15、cheating,it isnt a good _4_ A student who thinks cheating is the only way to pass a test _5_ to talk with the teacher and his or her parents so they can find some better ways together.Talking about these problems and _6_ them out will help feel better than cheating.,If a student gets caught (被抓) cheating,the teacher may give a “ _7_ ” on the test,send him or her to the head teachers _8_,and call his or her parents.Worse than the _9_ grade may be the feeling of having disappointed (使失望) those people,_10_ pare


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