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1、淮安市南陈集中学八年级英语下册导学案 8B Unit3 Reading1日期: 班级: 姓名: 组别: 评价: 【学习目标】 1. 读懂文章,了解的基本情况;2. 根据上下文猜测词意;3. 学会通过网络来获取信息。【学习重难点】 1. 根据上下文猜测词意;2. 学会通过网络来获取信息。【自主学习】 要养成阅读、思考的好习惯哦!请同学们仔细阅读英语课本P.36-37内容,认真完成下面的预习作业,相信你一定行的!通过预习,了解本课时的单词、短语和句型(英汉互译)。1.click vi.& vt. _ 2.Asia n. _3Africa n._4Europe n. _来源:学优高考网gkstk5_

2、n导游,向导 6_ adj.世界著名的,举世闻名的7_n贸易 8. _ adj.南方的,南部的9_adj.辛苦的;艰难的 10. n.网站11. at the top of._12. an online tour13. in the centre of_ 14.a hard days work_1 5_成千上万的_ 16._因而出名来源:学优高考网gkstk17. Welcome to“Around the World in Eight Hours” _18. Every year, thousands of people gather here on New Years Eve._【课中交流

3、】 爱动脑筋让你变得更聪明! 请带着下面这些问题阅读教材。1Who is the guide? _2. Where is the world-famous trade centre? _3. Where does the song “Memory” come from? _4thousand和thousands of如何使用? _【拓展部分】学习成果展示: A. 根据中文提示写出单词。来源:gkstk.Com1My friend comes from_(非洲)2This is an_(国际的)museum.3Do you like_(音乐剧)?4. _(几个)friends came to s

4、ee me last night.5What_(艰苦的)life the old man has experienced!6The man comes from one of the_(南方的)cities7. Will you please put it on the_(网站)?8. You need a_(向导)if you dont have a map. B用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.I choose_ (play) the first game.2.I often hear him_ (sing) many songs.3. That music_ (sound) good.4.

5、Several (thousand) students are doing morning exercises on the playground.5. It is exciting_ (see) such a big football match.来源:学优高考网gkstk【目标检测】 有目标才能成功!来源:学优高考网gkstk( )1-_people in the country come to the square to celebrate New Year on every New Years Eve.A. Thousand B. Thousands C. Thousand of D.

6、 Thousands of( )2. The man is famous_ a doctor.A. for Bas Cto Dabout( )3. _ hard work he is doing!A. How B. What C. What a D. How a( )4. They chose_ in the countryside many years ago.A. to live B. living C. to living D. live( )5. We were all_ at the good news.A. exciting B. excited C. sad D. interesting【我的收获】



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