八年级英语上册 unit 1 me and my class lesson 5 meet ms_ liu教学课件 (新版)冀教版

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1、,八年级(上),冀 教 版,Its fun! Its easy!,Lesson 5,Me and My Class,学练优八年级英语上(JJ) 教学课件,Unit 1,UNIT 1,Lesson 5 Meet Ms. Liu,学习目标,objectives,To listen and understand the report about Ms. Liu 2.To learn to introduce people with some key words and useful expressions,Words: someone, discuss, England, patient,Phras

2、es: be patient with discuss about,Patterns: feel lucky to do encourage to do play the piano,1. What is your teachers name? What do you know about him/her? 2. How do you feel when you talk in front of your class?,Lead in,Listen and write true (T) or false (F).,Ms Liu is a kind English teacher. ( ) Th

3、ree years ago, Ms. Liu began teaching. ( ) Ms. Liu learned English in England. ( ) The students are Ms. Lius friends. ( ) Ms. Liu is good at singing. ( ),T,F,T,T,T,P11,1,Pre-reading,Read the lesson and fill in the chart.,2,a teacher,knowledgeable, kind, patient,swim for exercise, play the piano, sin

4、g songs,While-reading,1. He is ready to give his report to the class. 他准备向全班同学作报告。 We are ready to spend a holiday. 我们准备去度假。 Jenny is always ready to help others. 詹妮总是乐于助人。,be ready to 准备做某事,Language Points,2. I talked to someone very specialour English teacher, Ms. Liu. 我和某个很特别的人教我们英语的刘老师,谈了谈。 Mr.,

5、 Mrs., Miss, Ms. 一般放在姓前,也可放在姓名之前。如:Mr. Brown(布朗先生)或Mr. John Brown(约翰.布朗先生)。,1) Mr. 可用于某些男子职务的称呼,如: Mr. President(总统先生)。 2) Mrs.用于已婚女子,Miss用于未婚女子,Ms.在不知已婚或未婚的情况下使用,译成女士。 3) Miss还可用于选美会上优胜者的头衔,如:Miss England(英格兰小姐)。此外,还可作为对某行业年轻女子(如计程车司机、旅店服务员等)的尊称。,3. I feel lucky to have her as my English teacher. 她

6、做我的英语老师,我觉得很幸运。 We all feel lucky to have so many good friends around us. 身边拥有一帮好朋友,我们感到很幸运。 We would like to have Peter as our manager. 我们想让彼得担任我们的经理。,feel lucky to do sth. 做感到很幸运,haveas 让担任,接受来承担,4. She started teaching seven years ago. 她七年前开始教学。 The students started to sing (singing) after school

7、. 放学后,学生们开始唱歌。 Think hard before you start to do something. 仔细想想,然后再开始做一些事情。,start to do/ doing sth. 开始做某事,5. She encourages us to ask questions and discuss the answers with each other. 她鼓励我们问问题,并彼此讨论问题的答案。 When things arent going well, he encourages me, telling me not to give up. 事情进展不顺的时候,他鼓励我不要放弃

8、。 My parents have always encouraged me to be brave. 父母总是鼓励我要勇敢。,encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事,6. She is kind and patient. 她善良又有耐心。 That doctor have saved many patients lives. 那个医生挽救了许多病人的生命。 She is very patient. She is patient with all her patients. 她很有耐心。她对她所有的病人都很有耐心。,patient n. 病人 adj. 有耐心的 be

9、 patient with 对有耐心,I _ have Ms. Liu as my English teacher.,Look and say,feel lucky to,Post-reading,The doctor _ him _ stop smoking.,encourages,to,She _ every afternoon.,plays the piano,Mum is very _ _ her child.,patient with,Complete the passage with the correct forms of the given words.,piano enjoy

10、 discuss encourage patient knowledgeable,Ms. Liu is my favourite teacher. She is a beautiful lady, and there is always a smile on her face. She doesnt just give us the answers. She is _ with us and gives us enough time to think in class. She _ us to find the answers by ourselves. We often _ things i

11、n groups and then give our report to the class. She is very _ about English. Sometimes she plays nice music on the _. The students all _ her class.,patient,3,encourages,discuss,knowledgeable,piano,enjoy,Fill in the blanks and copy the passage on your note book and then recite it.,Interview one of yo

12、ur teachers and tell a group of classmates about him or her. Then write a short passage.,Task tips: You may use these expressions: My favourite teacher is He/She likes and hates His/Her favourite is,4,Time for reflection,be ready to feel lucky to do encourage sb. to do be patient with start doing st

13、h.,做感到很荣幸,鼓励某人做某事,对有耐心,准备做某事,开始做某事,Practice,Practice,. 根据首字母提示写单词或用所给单词的正确形式 填空。 1. I heard s_ ring the bell just now, but I didnt know who it was. 2. The 30th Olympic Games were held in E_ in 2012. 3. You shouldnt spend much time _ (discuss) such a boring question. 4. The girl is p_. She kept waiti

14、ng for a long time without getting angry. 5. Mr. Smith reads a lot. He is a _(knowledge) teacher.,omeone,ngland,discussing,atient,knowledgeable,. 从方框中选择正确的介词填空,每词限用一次。,in as for to with,Its time for class. Stop talking _each other! 2. Ms. Liu will give a report _us in the school hall. 3. I am glad t

15、o have him _ my good friend. 4. Jack likes to play basketball _ exercise in his free time. 5. Jenny is afraid to speak loudly _ class.,with,to,as,for,in,. 根据汉语提示补全句子,每空一词。 1. Sandra is _ _ (准备好) sing a song for us at the coming party. 2. Could you teach me to _ _ _ (弹钢琴), Monica? 3. Ms. Yang is kind and _(耐心的). We_ _ _(感到幸运) have such a good teacher. 4. My parents often _ _ _ _ (鼓励我做) what I can do by myself. 5. Pauls _ _(最喜欢的科目) is art and he_ _ _ (擅


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