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1、要深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,尤其要学深悟透习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想“四川篇”专题五介词和介词短语,贵阳中考命题规律及趋势介词是贵阳中考单项选择的必考点,主要考查介词的固定搭配,如:write with(用写),at the age of数字(在岁时),be different from(不同于)。同时也注重on的基本用法,如:on表时间、方位、方向等,同时涉及on与其他介词的辨析,如in,at,for,to,by,of等。设题形式多为简单句,以两个分句居多,词数为912。另外,完形填空中也会涉及介词或介词短语的辨析,如:with表伴随,from表来源,l

2、ike表列举,同时涉及其他介词的辨析,如above,under,for,into,of等。此外,也涉及到了介词的固定搭配,如:on the right(在右边),think about(考虑)等。,贵阳中考重难点突破1时间介词的辨析和用法(1)in,on与at介词用法例句in较长的一段时间(如世纪、年代、月份等)in the 21 century在21世纪;in 2009在2009年;in summer在夏季; in July在七月泛指上下午、傍晚、白天等in the morning/afternoon/evening/daytime在上午/下午/晚上/白天固定短语中in the future

3、在将来;in the end最后; in class在课堂上; in a minute一分钟后on表示具体某日或某日的上午、下午、晚上on Monday/weekdays在星期一/工作日; on Saturday morning/afternoon在周六早上/下午; on September 1st在九月一号;on a cold morning在一个寒冷的早晨; on National Day在国庆节at表示具体时间点at half past ten在十点半; at one oclock在一点;at noon在中午;at night在晚上固定短语中at the beginning of在开始时

4、; at New Year在新年; at Christmas在圣诞节; at the age of在岁时;at the end of在最后; at last在最后;at first起初(2)in,after与before介词用法例句in“in时间段”表示“(将来)以后”They will finish the work in an hour.他们一个小时后将完成工作。after与将来时连用表示“(将来)之后”,后接时间点Hell come back after two oclock.他两点后将回来。与过去时连用表示“(过去)之后”,后接时间段He got back from the US af

5、ter two weeks.两周后他从美国返回了。before表示“在之前Wash hands before dinner.饭前要洗手。2.地点、方位介词的辨析和用法(1)at,on与in介词用法例句at用于较小的场所前(如:建筑物、公共机关等)at home在家at the station在车站用于门牌号码前at 403 Book Street在书街403号on与表面相接触(即:)on the floor在地板上在任何广阔的面上on the farm/moon在农场/在月球上与界线的接触,可译作“濒临;紧挨”等Wuhan stands on the Yangtze River.武汉与长江相邻

6、。续表介词用法例句in用于较大的地方前(如:国家、城市、乡镇、地域等)in the city在城市;in China在中国;in Asia在亚洲;in Guizhou在贵州 在周围的环境是立体(即四面八方都有东西环绕)的地方in front of在前面;in a forest在森林里;in the classroom在教室里;in his schoolbag在他的书包里用于某些习语中in the sky在天空中in space在宇宙(2)over,under,above与below介词用法图示例句over“在正上方”,表示两者不接触We can build a bridge over the

7、river.我们可以在河上建一座桥。under“在正下方”,表示两者不接触My cat is lying under the chair.我的猫正躺在椅子下面。above“在的上方”,表示两者不接触,不一定垂直The plane is flying above the clouds.飞机在云层上飞行。below“在的下方”,表示两者不接触,不一定垂直The coat reaches below the knees.那件大衣盖过膝盖。3.方式、手段或工具介词的辨析和用法with,in,by与on介词用法例句with后跟具体的工具,与后面的名词或代词构成介词短语,指“借助于;用”,后面跟人称代词时

8、表示“和一起”,表示伴随状况,在句中做状语。此外,with还可以表示“带有;具有”I often do my homework with a pen.我经常用钢笔写家庭作业。in表示使用某种语言,用墨水、颜色、颜料等原料,在名词前不加冠词Can you say it in English?你能用英语说吗?Please write it in ink.请用墨水把它写下来。by表示某种方式或手段,在名词前不加冠词This pair of shoes is made by hand.这双鞋是手工制作的。on表示借助、通过某一器械、机器,在名词前一般加冠词theI could do all my wo

9、rk on the computer.我能在电脑上完成所有的工作。4.其他常见介词的用法(1)over “遍及;超过”如:There are over two hundred people in the park.公园里有两百多人。My friends are over the world.我的朋友遍天下。(2)against “反对”如:We will play against them this afternoon.今天下午我们将跟他们比赛。(3)into “进入里”如:Mr.White came into the classroom with a smile.怀特先生面带笑容走进教室。(

10、4)from “从”如:We go to school from Monday to Friday.我们从星期一到星期五上学。(5)for “为;给”如:Mother bought a pen for me.妈妈给我买了一支钢笔。(6)of “的”如:a map of China一幅中国地图(7)without “没有”如:He often goes to work without breakfast.他经常不吃早餐就去上班。(8)to “给;对;到;往”如:go to school去上学;give a kite to me给我一个风筝;from here to the park从这里到公园5

11、介词短语介词名词at home在家里;at school在学校;at noon在中午;at night在晚上;at work在工作;at sea在大海上;at the same time同时;at times有时;at breakfast早餐时;at midnight在午夜;at the moment在此刻;after a while过了一会儿by bus乘公共汽车;by the way顺便说;by the time到时候;by turns轮流;by mistake错误地;by the door在门口in hospital住院;in the hospital在医院;in the end最后;i

12、n order整整齐齐;in order to以便;in no time很快就;in the daytime在白天;in turn轮流;in time及时;in front在前方;in English用英语;in the future将来的某个时刻;in future(整个)将来;in fact事实上on the way在路上;on Sunday在星期天;on show展出;on display陈列;on fire着火;on duty值日;on the other hand另一方面;on foot步行;on business出差;on board在船(飞机)上;on holiday在休假;on

13、 the telephone在接(打)电话;on time准时;on the left/right在左边/右边;on sale在出售;on watch值班;on the earth在地球上with pleasure很乐意;with ones help在某人的帮助下be形容词介词be amazed at对感到惊讶;be angry with生(某人的)气;be afraid of害怕;be busy with忙于做;be good at擅长于;be full of充满;be excited about对感到兴奋;be kind to对和善;be interested in对感兴趣;be famo

14、us for因而著名;be late for迟到;be popular with受欢迎;be pleased with对感到满意;be proud of为感到骄傲;be ready for为准备好;be satisfied with对满意;be worried about为担心续表动词介词agree with同意;ask for请求;begin with以开始;come from出生;来自;call at探访;die of死于;get on/off上车/下车;fill with用装;fall off从落下;hear from收到(某人的)信;hear of听说;look at看;go to b

15、ed去睡觉;go to school去上学;look for寻找;look after照顾;listen to听讲话;pay for付钱;point to指向;point at指着;send for派人去叫;run across碰到;talk about谈论;think about考虑;wait for等候;write to写信给;worry about担心;laugh at嘲笑;fall behind落在后面;knock at敲续表介词+名词+介词at the foot of在脚下;on the top of在顶端;in the middle of在中间;in the front of在前面;in t



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