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1、要深入学习习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,尤其要学深悟透习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想“四川篇”Section Task & Project一、写作词汇检测根据提示词完成句子或翻译句子1.These goods will be sold at a (折扣).答案:discount2.Hearing the news,his mind went (空白的).答案:blank3.They made an (攻击)at dawn.答案:attack4.Sports clothes are not (合适的)for a wedding.答案:appropriate5.You may

2、 (不同意)with this,but I really dont care.答案:disagree6.Carlos was(授予) first prize in the competition.答案:awarded7.She managed to (使相信) me that the story was true.答案:convince8.If you want to see the film,you should (预定) tickets in advance.答案:reserve9.The police (检查) everything in his room carefully.答案:ex

3、amined10.Few buildings (幸免于)the big earthquake.答案:survived11.We followed his (足迹)in the snow to a hut.答案:tracks12.Ill invite people if you can (筹备)food and drinks.答案:arrange13.Soon afterwards he made his first public (声明)about the affair.答案:statement14.我已经预定了一个桌位。答案:I have reserved a table.15.我确信这种风

4、俗的存在。答案:I am convinced of the existence of such a custom.16.我不属于这儿。答案:I dont belong here.17.她很幸运,在地震中活了下来。答案:She was lucky enough to survive the big earthquake.18.请在下面的空白处签名。答案:Sign your name in the blank (space)below.二、用方框中所给短语的正确形式填空make ones way tobe linked todozens ofdisagree withrun afterat a d

5、iscountbe convinced ofbelong to1.Many people success,and often forget their families.答案:run after2.The doctor said his death might the food he ate today.答案:be linked to3.Your statement about the accident his.答案:disagrees with4.I bought the TV and it is really a bargain.答案:at a discount5.I her innoce

6、nce.答案:am convinced of6.He plans to buy reference books.答案:dozens of7.Many students in my class the football club.答案:belong to8.She the university by herself.答案:made her way to三、用合适的介、副词填空1.Would you be able to make your way the airport?答案:to2.Stop using things that do not belong you;its impolite.答案

7、:to3.Ive never seen him running such amazing speed.答案:with4.The playground is 20 metres length.答案:in5.He looked the box to see what is in it.答案:into6.Soon my uncle will take charge the department.答案:of7.The heavy smoke was due the fire of forests.答案:to8.Uncle Sam didnt show for our wedding because h

8、e was busy.答案:up四、变式训练1.He didnt turn up as he had promised.He didnt as he had promised.答案:show up2.Mr Smith is in charge of Class 10.Class 10 is Mr Smith.答案:in the charge of3.He made me believe what he had said.He what he had said.答案:convinced me of4.This is Toms car.This car Tom.答案:belongs to五、用所给

9、单词的适当形式填空1.He pushed the big stone aside with all his (strong).2.What is the (long)of the river?3.What are the (require)for the job?4.Are the following (state)true or false?5.The audience was amused by his (humor)performance.6.To learn well,you need to be more (organize).7.Scientists are not convinc

10、ed of the (exist)of aliens.8.It never (occur)to him that they would refuse his invitation.答案:1.strength2.length3.requirements4.statements5.humorous6.organized7.existence8.occurred六、阅读理解导学号93160006Canada DaySince 1982,July 1st has been officially known as Canada Day.Canadians of all ages take part in

11、 this festival across the country.Canada Day is the years biggest national party.In many towns and cities,the government organizes a lot of events,often outdoors.These include parades(游行),concerts,festivals,firework displays and ceremonies for new canadian citizens(公民).The celebrations often have a

12、patriotic mood.Canadas national flag,a symbol for Canada Day,can be seen everywhere and a lot of people paint their faces red and white,which are Canadas national colors.The celebrations in Ottawa,Canadas capital city,are especially grand and exciting.In the province of Quebec,many home rentals(租赁)s

13、tart on July 1st and last for exactly one year,and many people in Quebec spend Canada Day moving from one house to another.So in Quebec,Canada Day is also known as Moving Day.Many organizations and stores are closed this day.Only some bookstores,hospitals and gas stations may be open.Post offices ar

14、e closed,too.As Canada Day falls in the Canadian summer holiday period,all schools are closed as well.In some areas,special services are provided for large events.The concerts,parades and festivals may cause some traffic jams.1.According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE?A.Canada Day falls on the first day of June.B.Canada Day was celebrated before 1982.C.Canada Day is celebrated throughout Canada.D.Canadians except new citizens celebrate Canada Day.答案:C解析:根据文章第一句“Since 1982,July 1st has been officially known as Canada Day.”可知A、



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