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1、 在线英语外教一对一培训 http:/职场英语:好的老板要懂得适当鼓励员工好的领导懂得通过激发员工的积极性和潜力来创造更多业绩,积极全面的鼓励能够制造团结轻松的气氛。员工在被肯定的同时,会将主观能动性更加充分地发挥出来。真诚(genuinely )感谢员工的辛勤劳动。一句简单的 “谢谢”影响深远。对于员工的成就,无论大小都应该公开赞扬。一旦员工认识到他们的工作有价值( worthiness),就会更加努力地工作。 老板要经常把想法和策略(vision and strategy)与员工探讨分享。事实证明,充分掌握情况的(well informed)员工总是比对情况一无所知(left in the

2、 dark )的员工表现出色。来自员工的建议和意见,领导应当倾听。不是每个问题都可以找到答案,员工在意的是老板对他们的意见关注与否。让员工感觉到 ftl 门是公司整个组织的一部分(a part of),听取他们的意见(take their input)并让似门参与制定决策,这样他们会更有归属感(A sense of belonging ) 实景对话 A: Gatherround everybody. I have an announcement to make. Youre doing a great job! I want to thank you for your contribution

3、 to the company. And,because Id like to express my appreciation for everyones hard work this week, Im letting you off half an hour early! B: Wow, are you serious? Thats great. Ill beat rush hour traffic! C: Hes got to be joking. Weve never gone home early before. A: Nope,Im dead serious,guys. I thin

4、k you all deserve a break. Oh,and another thing .I really appreciate all your suggestions on how to improve our project. Youll see weve been able to implement many of your ideas and make a great improvement on the original plans. I want you to know that this is your project, and the success that we

5、have belongs to all of us. 在线英语外教一对一培训 http:/B: Thanks, boss! A: If we keep going at the rate were going now, well double our profits on that project. I have some news to share. Preliminary reports have already put us at an increased profit of 40%! C: No wonder the boss is so happy. A: Well, I just

6、want to say, thanks for everyones hard work on this one!We couldnt have done it without you. Id like to personally thank Allen and Darcia for coming up with such a great idea. B: Dont forget the rest of the team. We all worked together on this one. A: Yes, of course. Kudos to Mark, Patsy, and Wayne!

7、 A:大家过来一下,我有些事要宣布。大家干的非常好! 我要感谢你们的付出,为表示我对各位本周的辛苦工作的感激之情,我让大家提前半个小时下班。 B:哇!当真吗,太好了,我们可以避开交通高峰期了。 C:开玩笑,我们从来就没早回家过。 A:不,我绝对是当真的。我觉得各位应当好好休息一下了。哦,还有一件事我真的非常感谢你们对于改善项目所提的建议。正如你们所看到的,我们已经实施了大家的想法并在原有计划的基础上取得非常大的进步。我要你们知道这是大家的项目,成绩属于我们所有人。 B:谢谢老板! A:如果我们继续保持现在的进度,我们在这个项目上将盈利将翻番。透漏一下,初步的报告表明我们利润净增 40%! C:

8、难怪老板那么高兴 A:感谢每个人的辛苦工作。没有你们,我们做不到。我要感谢 Allen 和 Darcia 出了这么好的主意。 B:别忘了其他团队成员,这是大家共同努力的结果。 A:当然。功劳也属于 Mark, Pasty 和 Wayne. 在线英语外教一对一培训 http:/实景对话 2 A: Thank you everyone for making time to come to the meeting this afternoon. I have some news to share. B: Good news, I hope. A: Ive got to be honest with

9、you. We havent had as much success this quarter as we were hoping for. The situation is pretty bleak. The numbers have come back with negative profit for the last three consecutive periods,and the projections dont look so good either. C: Oh, thats terrible. A: Now, I dont want everyone to get too an

10、xious about things. I know I can count on everyone to pull together on this. Together we can overcome whatever input. Dot is we face. I have called this meeting today to ask for your you have any suggestions on how to make this better? B: I think were all pretty familiar with the problem. I suggest

11、we look at afresh new marketing approach. Our sales are down, so we need to get some strong advertising. A: Great idea,Jim. Thanks for sharing. C: We could offer company incentives,like something as simple as buying donuts and coffee for everyone if we all meet our sales quota for the week. A: Thats

12、 a great idea! B: I think that a lot of the employees might have suggestions about how to improve sales. A: Please feel free to talk anytime. My door is always open. A:感谢各位今天下午抽出时间来参加会议。我有些消息要宣布。 B:我希望是好消息 A:我得对大家说实话,季度我们没有取得我们期望的那么好的成绩。情况不容乐观。根据数据显示,我们连续三个阶段的盈利都是负增长,未来情况也不理想。 C:哦,那太糟糕了。 A:现在,我不想要每个人为此过于担忧。我知道我能仰仗各位一起努力。无论面临什么样 在线英语外教一对一培训 http:/的困难,我们齐心协力就能克服。我今天召开这个会议是想听取各位的意见。你们有什么建议吗? B:我想我们都非常了解这个问题。我建议我们该考虑一些全新的营销方式。销售这么低迷,我们得加大广告方面的力度。 A:好主意,Jim.感谢你的分享。 C:我们也可以提供一些奖励,比如如果我们达到本周的销售指标,就给每个人买甜圈圈和咖啡。 A:真是个好主意。 B:我想许多员工对于如何提高销售业绩都会有建议。 A:请随时告知,我的门永远敞开。本文来自金嘴巴英语:http:/


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