2018年牛津深圳版九年级下册英语课件:unit 4《natural disasters》(reading)1

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2018年牛津深圳版九年级下册英语课件:unit 4《natural disasters》(reading)1_第1页
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2018年牛津深圳版九年级下册英语课件:unit 4《natural disasters》(reading)1_第3页
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1、Reading,Unit 4,Natural disasters,asteroid typhoon earthquake melt flood badly alive pool object coach,n. 小行星 n. 台风 n. 地震 v. (使)熔化;(使)融化 v. (使)灌满水;淹没 adv. 严重地;厉害地 adj. 活着;在世 n. 水坑;水塘 n. 物体;物品 n. 长途汽车,Words review,pass line dead boss deaf stare screen notice awake,v. 通过 n. 电话线路 adj. (因为缺电)不运行的; 不转动的 n

2、. 老板 adj. 聋的 v. 盯着看;凝视;注视 n. 屏幕;荧光屏 v. 看(或听)到;注意到;意识到 v. (使)醒来,Words review,natural disaster pass by stick with sit around have no time to do fall on deaf ears stare at in surprise for now,持续;坚持 不愿为花时间;没有时间做 暂时 不被理睬;不被注意 惊讶地 通过;经过 自然灾害 无所事事地消磨时间 盯着看;凝视;注视,Words review,What is happening in the video?

3、,Read the story The great flood to learn about natural disasters. 2. To learn the new words and useful expressions,Objectives:,Words: earthquake flood badly alive pool object coach pass line dead boss deaf stare screen notice awake,Focus on,Phrases: natural disaster pass by stick with have no time to do sit around stare at fall on deaf ears in surprise for now,Patterns: Would anyone remain alive? Last night, I dreamt about a great flood. Its important to stick with it. I cant afford to sit around and worry about the flood.,


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