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1、镇成立由镇委书记孙广东任组长,镇委副书记、镇长任副组长,镇直相关部门主要领导为成员的意识形态工作领导小组,统筹协调全镇意识形态工作2016-2017学年秋季学期高二年级英语周练 ( 5 )考试时间:2016.12.06 姓名:_ 班级:_一、 单句语法填空(每题2分,共40分)1. The old man _(fall) ill and everybody was afraid he might die.2. They collected much money _ aid of the poor girl.3. To everybodys _(satisfy), all the lessons

2、 scheduled for the winter vacation have been cancelled.4. With all the approaches _(apply) to solving their argument, I had no success and had to give up.5. Learning about first aid will absolutely be _great benefit to us.6. At present, he is applying himself to _(update) his skills in photography.7

3、. This type of ointment proves to have a better effect on those patients who _ (apply) it during the past seven days.8. Due to lack of _(treat), some patients from the ruins died soon.9. They have accepted my _(apply) to join the club.10. The burning plastic gave off _(poison) gas, which is harmful

4、to our health.11. In the early autumn, I applied _admission to college.12. When someone is bleeding, the most important is do what you can _ (slow) it.13. It is difficult to make friends with him, but his friendship, once _(gain), is more true than any others.14. The experiment shows that proper amo

5、unts of exercise, if it _(take) regularly, can improve our health.15. He was presented with an award for outstanding _(brave).16. You cant imagine how pleasant it is _you have tried it.17. His rude behavior is _(bear) to his classmates, so he makes few friends in his class.18. The driver wanted to p

6、ark his car near the roadside but was asked by the police not _.19. In fact, girls are equally _(compete) in learning maths well.20. We like to live a life full of _(vary) and mans tastes are _(vary).二、 单句改错 (每句一处错误,每题1分,共15分)1. When studied in primary school, I knew its wrong to do so.2. Pat refuse

7、d to give any informations about Sarah.3. He demanded me to call an ambulance.4. Do you want to join the mountain climbing group consist of the amateurs from both of the two schools in our city?5. Each donation does help, which makes a great difference on the living conditions in the village.6. Ive

8、got to find a doctor to treat me of my cough, which has lasted for several days.7. Dont worry, Tom. I am to arrange the most efficient worker in my company to help you.8. It was not until he suffered from lung cancer when he realized smoking did do harm to his health.9. Do you know a number of apple

9、s he ate?10. He is so diligent that it is no doubt that he will make much progress in it.11. You may read any book on the shelf only if you promise to put it back in its place.12. The thief was about to put his hand into the ladys handbag while the bus suddenly stopped.13. I have lived in the town f

10、or 20 years, so I have good knowledge of it.14. You can find various of robots on exhibition in the museum.15. I cant find my book. Where may I have put it?三、 语法填空(每题1.5分,共15分)There was a girl named Cinderella 1 stepmother had two ugly and lazy daughters. Not just did they get good care, 2 they need

11、ed to do nothing. However, only by doing dirty housework could Cinderella get access to food ; and seldom could she gain any rest. Not until midnight was she allowed 3 (go) to bed. Poor 4 she was, she was very beautiful. One day, from the palace came 5 invitation, 6 (read) that the prince would choo

12、se his wife. Away went her stepmother and her stepsisters to the palace. Never had Cinderella been permitted to go with them. “ 7 (be)I a princess, I would live a whole new life!” sighed Cinderella. No sooner had she sat down 8 a goddess appeared and gave her a smart dress, a carriage as well as hor

13、ses. But she warned Cinderella that everything would disappear at 12 oclock. When Cinderella arrived at the party, so 9 (attract) was she that the prince only danced with her. Hardly had the clock stricken twelve when Cinderella began to run, and she left a crystal slipper on the stair. When the pri

14、nces servant came to Cinderellas to find out the owner of the slipper, Cinderellas elder sister couldnt wear it. 10 could another sister. Not a word could anybody say when Cinderella wore the slipper perfectly. From then on she lived happily ever after with her prince.1. _ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._6._7._8._ 9

15、._ 10. _四、完型填空 (每题1.5分,共30分)In the week before Christmas, one Delta airlines pilot gave a sad Arizona family a gift that no one else could.Father of three, Jay Short died after a 1 with lung cancer on Dec. 16th. Three days later, his family was attempting to 2 to Tennessee for the funeral scheduled f


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