2017秋七年级英语人教新目标上册 学案课件:unit7section a-1

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1、Unit 7 How much are these socks?,socks,pants,small,short,women,bring,cloth,shop,sell,sell,boys,girl,clothes store,以非常优惠的价格,great sale,给你,How much.?,紫色的裙子,a pair of,卖包,six dollars,来,How much,dollars,are,Theyre,Can,need,for,do,want,looks,take,Here,buy,at,in purple,for,pairs,have,too,Come,store,.单词英汉互译

2、 1短袜 2.Tshirt 3毛衣 4.短裤 5trousers 6.鞋 7裙子 8.女子 9need 10.看;看上去 11take 12.小的;小号的 13短的;矮的 14.大的;大号的,sock,T恤衫,sweater,shorts,裤子,shoe,skirt,woman,需要,look,买下;拿;取,small,short,big,.根据汉语提示完成句子 1这件夹克衫多少钱? 十美元。 the jacket? ten . 2这些袜子多少钱? 两美元。 these socks? two dollars.,How much is,Its,dollars,How much are,Theyr

3、e,3我需要为上学买一件毛衣。 I a sweater school. 4你想要什么颜色的? do you want? 5给你。 you . 6我要买下它。 it.,need,for,What color,Here,are,Ill take,1How much is this Tshirt?这件T恤衫多少钱? Its seven dollars.七美元。 (1)How much is/are.?这一句型常用来询问价格,意为“多少钱?”。is后面跟不可数名词或可数名词单数;are后面跟可数名词复数。例: How much are these pencils? 这些铅笔多少钱? (2)答语用:It

4、s/They are价格 (3)How much is/are.?的同义句为:Whats the price of.?,(4)【辨析】how much与how many,【小试牛刀】 Excuse me. is the bag? Well, _ bags do you need? AHow much; how much BHow many; how many CHow many; how much DHow much; how many,D,How much these shoes? _ only five dollars. Ais; Its Bare; Its Care; Theyre Di

5、s; Theyre,C,2Can I help you?我能帮你吗? (1)Can I help you?在口语中的肯定回答通常用Yes, please.否定回答则用No, thanks. (2)Can I help you?是服务业的常用礼貌用语,意思很灵活。例如:在餐馆可译为“您要就餐吗?”,在商店可译为“您要买什么?”,与其同义的表达还有: What can I do for you? May/Could I help you? Is there anything I can do for you?,【小试牛刀】 Can I help you? .I want a Tshirt. AYe

6、s, you can BYes, please CNo, thanks DNo, you cant Can I help you?(改为同义句),B,What can I do for you?,3How about this one? 这一件怎么样? 句中one是代词,代替前面的名词sweater。其复数形式为ones,常用于代替前面出现的可数名词复数。 【辨析】 one, it与that,【一言辨异】I have a new pen.My dad bought it for me.And he bought one for my brother, too.我有一支新钢笔,是我爸爸买给我的(

7、这支钢笔)。而且他也给我弟弟买了一支(相似的但非上文的那支)。,【小试牛刀】 Wheres your pen? is on the desk. AThis BThat CIt DOne Who is your English teacher? in a blue coat. AThe one BIt COne DThat,C,A,The food in Shandong is different from(和不同) in Sichuan. Athe one Bthat Cit Done Do you have toys?Id like to buy for my cousin. Ait Bon

8、e Cthis Dthat,B,B,4Ill take two pairs.我要买2双。 Here you are.给你。 (1)句中take意为“买”,相当于buy或have。在购物时决定买下某物时常说:Ill take it/them. 【小试牛刀】 The bag is nice.Ill it. Awant Bneed Ctake Dbring (2)Here you are.是英语口语中把某物递给某人时常用的句子,意为“给你”。,C,【小试牛刀】 I want to buy that ruler. OK. . AThank you BYou are welcome CHere you

9、are DIll take it,C,.用所给词的适当形式填空 1How much (be) the trousers? 2I like (this) yellow shorts. 3The blue Tshirt is ten (dollar) 4 (that) socks are Johns. 5The shoes look nice.Ill take (they),are,these,dollars,Those,them,.单项选择 1Can I help you? .I want some tomatoes. ADont help me BNo, not CYes, please DY

10、es, help me 解析:Can I help you?的肯定回答常用Yes, please.,C,2Mom, I need a bag school. Ain Bfor Cwith Dof 解析:此处介词for表示目的,意为“为”。 3Can you pass me that bag? Yes. . AHere are you BHere you are CGive you DYou are here 解析:将东西递给对方时常用Here you are.,B,B,4How much the blue trousers? _ $20. Ais; Its Bare; These are Care; Theyre Dis; Its 解析:trousers是复数,故问句的空白处应用are。How much are.?的回答应用Theyre.,C,5 do you want? Yellow. AHow much BHow many CWhat color DHow 解析:由答语可知是提问颜色,应用what color。 6The bag is too big.How about the blue ? Ait Bthat Cone Dthose 解析:此处所选代词指代上文中的bag,但并非the bag本身,故应用one。,C,C,感 谢 观 映,



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