2017-2018学年七年级英语下册人教新目标版课件:unit 7 period 4 训练案(writing课本p42)

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《2017-2018学年七年级英语下册人教新目标版课件:unit 7 period 4 训练案(writing课本p42)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017-2018学年七年级英语下册人教新目标版课件:unit 7 period 4 训练案(writing课本p42)(32页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Period 4 训练案 (Writing课本P42),Unit 7 Its raining!,写作一:完成课本P42的3a 和3b 的写作练习。 写作二:假如你是Dave,请根据以下要点介绍你在湛江的旅游情况 (分三段,70词左右)。 1.今天,湛江的天气很凉爽。你在湛江度假。 2.你在湛江的朋友John陪你去湖光岩公园 (Huguang Lake)玩。公园里有很多人。,Period 4 训练案,一些男孩在湖里游泳;一些女孩在湖边又唱又跳;一些老人在树下跟朋友聊天;还有 (whats more)一些年轻人在拍照; 你和John在开心地骑自行车。 3.今天,你在湛江玩得很开心。,Period

2、4 训练案,【思路点拨】 第一步:审题:人称_ 时态_ 第二步:列出主要短语和句型。 1.在度假_ 2.陪某人去公园玩_,第一及第三人称,Period 4 训练案,现在进行时,on a vacation,go to the park with sb. /take sb.to visit the park,3.在湖里_ 4.在湖边_ 5.又唱又跳_ 6.与朋友聊天_ 7.拍照_,in the lake,Period 4 训练案,by the lake,sing and dance,talk to/with friends,take photos/pictures,8.骑自行车_ 9.公园里有许多

3、人。 _ 10.我和John正在开心地骑自行车。 _,ride the bike,Period 4 训练案,There are many people in the park.,John and I are having a good/great time riding the bike.,11.我今天玩得很开心。 _,Period 4 训练案,I am having fun today./ I am having a good time today./ How happy I am today!/ What a good time I am having today!,第三步:运用连接词an

4、d,whats more等将以上要点连成文章,并注意句型的多样化。 _,Period 4 训练案,Its very cool in Zhanjiang today.I am on a vacation here.I am visiting John, my good friend in Zhanjiang. This morning, John goes to Huguang Lake with me./ John takes me to visit Huguang Lake.There are many people in the park.,Period 4 训练案,They are do

5、ing different things.Some boys are swimming in the lake.Some girls are singing and dancing by the lake.Some old people are talking with their friends under the tree.Whats more, some young people are taking photos.,Period 4 训练案,John and I are having a great time riding the bike. I am having fun today

6、./ I am having a good time today./ How happy I am today!/ What a good time I am having today!,Period 4 训练案,第四步:修改文章自己复查,小组互改。 1.用红笔在文章中纠错。2.欣赏好词好句:评选小组内写得最好的三个句子摘抄下来。 _ _,Period 4 训练案,(作文评分细则与标准请参照本书最后一页),Period 4 训练案,单元语法专练 一、单项填空。 ( )1.My brother _ under the tree now. A.sits B.is siting C.is sitti

7、ng D.sit ( )2.Are you _ your brother? A.write with B.writing for C.writing to D.writing from,Period 4 训练案,C,C,( )3.We are _ a vacation now. A.at B.of C.on D.for ( )4.Im very happy _ you again. A.see B.sees C.to see D.seeing ( )5.He is going to Beijing _ next month. A.in B.at C.on D./,Period 4 训练案,C,

8、C,D,( )6.Steve and I _ talking _ the phone. A.am;on B.are;at C.am;by D.are;on,Period 4 训练案,D,( )7.Is _ in Europe? Yes, it is. A.Australia B.England C.the USA D.Japan ( )8.He is a good student.He studies very _. A.hard B.difficult C.easy D.hardly,Period 4 训练案,B,A,( )9.The sun is shining here now.How

9、about going out for a walk? It _ great. A.sounds B.hears C.is sounding D.listens to,Period 4 训练案,A,( )10.Hello, _. Hi,Rick.This is Helen. A.Rick speaking B.Rick saying C.I am Rick D.Rick isnt here,Period 4 训练案,A,二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 11.Its_(cloud)in Guangzhou today. 12.He comes from_(Russian).,Period 4 训

10、练案,cloudy,Russia,13.There is much_(snowy)outside. 14.Jim is a_(cook). 15.I want some_(juice).,Period 4 训练案,snow,cook,juice,单元基础巩固 一、单项填空。 ( )1.He is having a good time _ his friend in Shanghai. A.to visit B.visits C.visiting D.visit,Period 4 训练案,C,( )2._ the weather in Beijing? Its warm. A.What B.Ho

11、ws C.Whats D.How ( )3.How is it going? _. A.Not bad,thanks B.Sure,it is C.Thanks a lot D.Youre welcome,Period 4 训练案,B,A,( )4.Could you tell Kate _ the classroom? A.clean B.cleaning C.to clean D.cleans ( )5.My mother _ dinner for us right now. A.is cook B.are cooking C.is cooking D.cooks,Period 4 训练案

12、,C,C,( )6.Dont worry.I can take a message _ your parents. A.from B.for C.with D.at ( )7.Two _ are talking to each other under the tree. A.Russia B.Russian C.Russians D.Russias,Period 4 训练案,B,C,( )8.Its _ today.Lets go bike riding. A.windy B.sunny C.snowy D.rainy ( )9.Im studying English and Im learn

13、ing _. A.a lot of B.lots of C.a lot D.lots,Period 4 训练案,B,C,( )10.Could you help me with my math? _. A.No,I dont B.Thank you C.Sure,no problem D.Yes,please,Period 4 训练案,C,二、根据中文提示或音标填写单词,使句子完整、通顺。 11.Hows the _(天气)in Zhanjiang? 12.There are many trees on the _(高山). 13.My sister is going to _(欧洲) next year.,


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