八年级英语上册 unit 5 my future lesson 27 what's your advice同步练习(a卷)(新版)冀教版

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1、镇成立由镇委书记孙广东任组长,镇委副书记、镇长任副组长,镇直相关部门主要领导为成员的意识形态工作领导小组,统筹协调全镇意识形态工作Lesson 27 Whats Your Advice ? 一、单项选择1There is _ “e” in the word “like”Aa Ban Cthe D/ 2Li Ming looked _ the box and found it empty (空的)Ainside Bafter Clike Dout3I still want to drink something. May I have _ cup of juice?Certainly. Here

2、you are.Aother Bmore Canother Delse4Could you give me some _ on how to learn English _?Sure. Practice makes perfect.Aadvice; good Bsuggestions; goodCadvice; well Dsuggestion; well5Why didnt you buy any bread?Sorry, I _.Aforget Bforgot Cremember Dremembered6Excuse me, can you _ your name?Yes, JOHN, J

3、ohn.Aspell Bread Cwrite Dsee7When do you usually _ school?At 6:30 in the morning.Aget Bget to Carrive Carrive in8I often listen to music. It makes me _.Alonely Bhappily Csad Drelaxed9I wish you good luck! _.AYou are right BIt doesnt matter CThanks, the same to you DThats OK10I _ my homework. I guess

4、 I cant join you.Adidnt finish Bdoesnt finish Chavent finished Dwont finish二、按要求完成句子11Our teacher is friendly to us. (改为同义句)Our teacher is _ _ us.12Lucy has made some number cards. (改为一般疑问句) _ Lucy _ _ number cards?13You can get there on foot. (对画线部分提问) _ _ I _ there?14You cant play the guitar in th

5、e classroom. (改为祈使句) _ _ the guitar in the classroom.15My coat is green. (对画线部分提问) _ _ is your coat?三、根据汉语意思完成句子16“黑”是“白”的反义词。Black is _ _ _ white.17这个小男孩能从一数到一百。The little boy can _ _ one _ one hundred.18他太累了,停止了工作。He was too tired and _ _.19请把地上的毛衣捡起来。Please _ _ the sweater on the ground.20我不知道选择哪

6、一个。I dont know which one _ _.四、完形填空 (词数:约220建议用时:7分钟)Do you get angry when your friends sing loudly while you are trying to work or when your best friend does not wait for you after school?If you do, you need to control(控制)your feelings in a _21 way. Getting angry with others can _22 you to lose fri

7、ends.Gary Egeberg, an American high school teacher, has already written a book named My Feelings Are Just Like Wild Animals _23 you control your feelings. The book tells you how to stay cool _24 bad things happen.The book says that getting angry only makes problems worse. It can never make them _25.

8、 “Getting angry is not a natural way to act. It is just a bad habit, like _26,” the book says.The book says you can control your feelings easilyall you have to do is tell yourself not to be angry.The book gives much _27 in order to help you if you often get angry. For example:Keep a record. Every ti

9、me you get angry, write down why you are angry. Look at it later, _28 you will see you get angry so often.Ask your friends to stop talking to you when you get angry and leave you alone. This will teach you not to be angry.Do _29.When you get angry, walk away _30 the problem and go to some other plac

10、es. Try to laugh.21A.hard Bright Cwrong22A.make Blet Ccause23A.help Bto help Chelped24A.that Bwhen Cuntil25A.better Bgood Cwell26A.to smoke Bsmokes Csmoking27A.suggestions Badvice Cway28A.or Bbut Cand29A.different somethingBanything differentCsomething different30A.from Bto C/答 案一、1.B2.A3C点拨:本题运用句意分

11、析法。句意:我还是想要喝点东西。我能_一杯果汁吗?当然了,给你。other其他的,放在名词前面; more再,又,放在数词后面;another再,又,泛指再一个;else其他的,修饰疑问词和不定代词。根据句意再要一杯果汁,此处是泛指再一个。故选C。4C5.B6.A7.B8.D9.C10.C二、11.nice to12.Has; made any13How can; get 14.Dont play15What colo(u)r三、16.the opposite of17.count from; to18stopped working19.pick up20.to choose四、【主旨大意】这

12、是一篇说明文。本文主要说明了经常发怒会给人们带来的危害,并介绍了Gary Egeberg (加里埃格伯格)写的一本名为My Feelings Are Just Like Wild Animals(我的情绪就像发怒的野兽)的书,告诫人们怎样控制自己的情绪。21B22C点拨:make sb. do与let sb. do意为“让某人做某事”;cause sb. to do意为“导致某人做某事”。根据句子结构,故选C。23B点拨:用动词不定式to help来作目的状语。24B点拨:句意:这本书告诉你当糟糕的事情发生时怎样保持冷静。when符合语境。25A点拨:句意:它绝不会使情况好起来。此处有比较的意

13、味,故选A。26C点拨:句意:它就像吸烟一样,是个恶习。like为介词,用动名词作宾语。故选C。27B点拨:much后跟不可数名词,suggestion(建议)与way(方法)均为可数名词;advice(建议)为不可数名词。故选B。28C点拨:空白处前后为并列关系,故用and。29C点拨:本句为肯定句,故排除B项;当形容词修饰不定代词时,用不定代词形容词。故选C。30A点拨: 句意:当你生气的时候,远离这些问题,去到别的地方。walk away from 远离。故选A。按照属地管理,分级负责和谁主管谁负责的原则,各级党组织领导班子对本地区、本单位、本部门意识形态工作负主体责任。党组织书记是第一责任人



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