九年级英语上册 unit 4 stories and poems lesson 23 the giant(ⅱ)学案 (新版)冀教版

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1、镇成立由镇委书记孙广东任组长,镇委副书记、镇长任副组长,镇直相关部门主要领导为成员的意识形态工作领导小组,统筹协调全镇意识形态工作Lesson23: The Giant ()【学习目标】知识目标:knock, spread, neck, peek, softly, scene, crawl, selfish, wicked; knock down, at once, break out in blossom, reach out, ever since; The giant made a decision and went out to his garden. But one little b

2、oy did not run because he did not see the giant coming. At once the tree broke out in blossoms. Along with them came the spring.技能目标:了解童话故事的后续发展;能用英语介绍童话故事。情感目标:学习童话故事,激发学生的学习兴趣。【重点及难点】用英语介绍童话故事。【导学过程】一、自主预习.基础单词。1. 偷看,窥视_ 2. 轻轻地_ 3. 爬行,匍匐行进_ 4. 场景,景色,风景_ 5. 自私的_ 6. 张开,扩展_7. 敲,敲打,碰撞_ 8. 颈,脖子_9. 邪恶的_

3、. 核心短语。1. 拆除,击倒,撞到 _ 2. 盛开,怒放 _3. 立刻 _ 4. 伸出,伸开 _5. 自从,从起,自从以后_. 检查单词及词组的读法并校正。二、合作探究Task 1:速读,弄懂文章大意,完成Lets do It 1。 Task 2:细读,完成Lets do It 2,并找出课文中所涉及的短语和句型。Task 3:小组讨论导学案上的Language Points。Task 4:小组讨论完成Lets do it 3。三、交流展示Language Points:1. knock down “把推倒”He knocked his opponent down with a heavy

4、blow.他一记重拳打到了对手。Dont knock down the wall.不要把墙推倒。knock into 撞在上; 把插入knock on 敲击; 撞击knock at 敲门knock down 击倒; 拆卸knock over 打翻; 撞倒knock into 撞上; 与相撞2. see sb. doing sth.意为“看见某人正在做某事”,强调看到的事情正在发生。I saw the man running on the playground.我看见那个人正在操场上跑步。 see sb. do sth. 意为“看见某人做了某事”,强调看见某人做某事的全过程。I often se

5、e her walk across the road from here.我常常看见她从这儿穿过马路。3. spread 意为“张开;展开;伸开” 。spreading为动名词。其过去式和过去分词为spread.She spread her arms and the child ran towards her.她张开双臂,孩子向她跑来。spread 还可以意为“传播;扩散”。The disease spreads easily.这种疾病容易传播。Dont spread the bad news. 不要扩散坏消息。四、当堂检测. 短语连线。1. in the end A. 做决定2. make

6、a decision B. 推到3. knock down C. 最后4. say to oneself D. 让某人惊讶的5. to ones surprise E. 自言自语. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. The giant saw a most _(wonder) sight.2. The giant was very _(self).3. When the children saw the kind giant, they came _ (run) back.4. Ever since then, the garden _ (be) a childrens playground.5.

7、 David took a lot of _ (photo) in the park last week. 句型展示。1. 鸟儿四处飞翔歌唱,花儿偷偷地从绿色的草丛中张望。Birds _ _ about and _, and flowers _ _ up _ the green grass.2.巨人看见更多的孩子们正从墙上的洞里爬进来。The giant saw that more children _ _ _ a hole in the wall.3.但是一个小男孩没有跑,因为他没有看见巨人正走来。But one little boy did not run _ he did not see

8、 the giant _.4.春天伴随着孩子们一起到来了。_ _ the children came the spring. 五、作业布置1. Read the story and retell the whole story.2. Preview Lesson 24.【教学反思】参考答案:一、自主预习.1. peek 2. softly3. crawl 4. scene5. selfish 6. spread7. knock 8. neck9. wicked. 1. knock down 2. break out in blossom 3. at once 4. stretch out5. ever since四、当堂检测. 1-5 CABED. 1. wonderful 2. selfish 3. running 4. has been 5. photos. 1. were flying, singing; were peeking, through2. were crawling through3. because, coming4. Along with按照属地管理,分级负责和谁主管谁负责的原则,各级党组织领导班子对本地区、本单位、本部门意识形态工作负主体责任。党组织书记是第一责任人


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