九年级英语上册 module 2 public holidays模块写作小专题习题 (新版)外研版

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1、镇成立由镇委书记孙广东任组长,镇委副书记、镇长任副组长,镇直相关部门主要领导为成员的意识形态工作领导小组,统筹协调全镇意识形态工作Module 2 Public holidays模块写作小专题按照属地管理,分级负责和谁主管谁负责的原则,各级党组织领导班子对本地区、本单位、本部门意识形态工作负主体责任。党组织书记是第一责任人【模块写作目标】本模块以“Public holidays”为话题。内容主要涉及欧美及我国常见的公共假期及节日,表达了个人的节日计划及人们通常在节日里做的事情,并对各类节假日进行了介绍及描述。通过本模块的学习,学生应学会用简单的时间状语从句和日期表达法来描写某个节假日。具体包括

2、:1节假日的名称和日期。2节假日的具体活动。3你对节假日的感受。一、语言积累(一)Names and dates of festivals:根据句意及汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。1The First of October is Chinas National Day(国庆节)2The Spring Festival(春节) is/lies in January or February.3People celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival(端午节)on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month.4Halloween is cel

3、ebrated in November (十一月)5We have celebrated the festival since(自从) the first pioneers from England arrived in America by ship in _the seventeenth century(第十七世纪)(二)Activities of festivals:用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,每空一词。1On that day,there are all kinds(kind) of holiday activities(activity)2We usually(usual) ha

4、ve a picnic somewhere nice.3Family members usually get together.We eat moon cakes while we are_enjoying(enjoy) the full moon.4People make short speeches(speech) and give thanks(thank) for their food.5We still celebrate Thanksgiving today with a traditional(tradition) dinner.6We celebrate Christmas w

5、ith a twoday holiday.And my family always go somewhere interesting(interest) as soon as the holiday begins(begin)(三)Your feelings about festivals:根据汉语提示完成句子,每空词数不限。1We watched the games on television and had_a_good_time/had_great_fun/enjoyed_ourselves(玩得很开心)2What_a_wonderful(多么美好的) time we have!3How

6、_exciting_and_happy(多么激动和开心) we are during the Spring Festival!4I cant_wait(迫不及待)!二、以读促写根据首字母或汉语提示补全短文,每空一词。Christmas is the most important _1_(节日) in most w_2_countries.It is _3_(庆祝) on December 25th.There are lots of activities before Christmas Day.People go shopping and buy p_4_ for their familie

7、s,friends and relatives.They also buy Christmas trees and decorate them beautifully.They put the presents u_5_ the trees.Families g_6_ together and have a big dinner on Christmas Eve.Some families have a Christmas party to c_7_ the important festival.Children usually like Christmas a lot because the

8、y believe that Father Christmas always gives g_8_ to them on Christmas Eve.On Christmas Day,children get up early and open gifts that they get on Christmas Eve.They sing Christmas _9_(歌曲) and say “M_10_ Christmas” to their family and friends.What a w_11_ festival it is!Behind all these things lies t

9、he true _12_(意义) of Christmas:the_13_(重要性) of s_14_ and giving love and j_15_ to people around them.1festival2.western3.celebrated4presents 5.under 6.get7celebrate 8.gifts 9.songs10Merry 11.wonderful 12.meaning13importance 14.sharing 15.joy三、篇章训练近年来我国的发展备受瞩目,中国的传统文化也越来越受到各国朋友的关注。请根据提示,以“The Spring F

10、estival”为题写一篇短文,向外国朋友介绍我国的春节。提示:1.春节是中国农历年(the lunar year)的第一天;2春节前一个月人们开始准备(prepare)食物,打扫卫生,装饰(decorate)房子;3除夕(Chinese New Years Eve):家人团圆(get together)、吃年夜饭(big dinner)、守夜(stay up till midnight)、放烟火鞭炮(play fireworks and crackers);4大年初一(the first day):穿新衣(put on new clothes),向父母拜年(greet parents),收压岁钱(get lucky money)。要求:1字迹工整、规范;280词左右;3根据所给要点提示及参考词汇,可适当发挥。The Spring Festival本题参考答案附于“听力材料及答案”之后。_


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