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1、Pygmalion,张家国 背景知识介绍(background) 刘杨 作者介绍及作品展示(author and the works) 田金婵 主题把握(theme) (刘杨代) 卢姗姗 情节赏析(plot) 叶柏慧 人物形象分析(Character images) 朱玲娜 写作手法(artistic features and writing style)artistic featuresartistic features,Background Of creating Pygmalion,the emergence of the sense of the female.,Completing

2、the industrial Revolution in the 1830s,Britain enjoys fast economic development in the Victorian age.Moreover,it plundered(掠夺) innumerable treasure from overseas expansion and colonization.The massive fortune brought by the Industrial Revolution also brought an unimaginable transformation into the E

3、nglish society.Women stepped out of their houses and worked in textile factories ,earning money to support themselves and their families. Better economic conditions made English women more indepent and more assertive(坚定自信的) in their roles and rights in society and family.,However,sexual inequality c

4、ouldnt be solved overnight,Shaw was considered to be one of the early male feminists.,He propagandized(进行宣传) for equality between men and women through most of his plays. In his mind, women could stand up for their rights and assert their social status Through hard work,they can make as great achiev

5、ement as their male counterparts.,Sympathy for the interest of women anger toward discrimination,Indeed,he loved the ladied and created great roles for them. 千岁人 康蒂坦 圣女贞德,Pygmalion,A flower girl who supports herself by the sweat of her brow,she dreams of having a decent job and lifestyle as a shop a

6、ssistant,which is the driving force behind her effort of learning speaking proper English language.However,after getting what she originally wants,Elize realizes that she couldnt find her proper status as long as her male counterparts still regard her as inferior.Its at this moment that she turns fr

7、om a native girl to a strong and indepent modern woman.Shes the epitome of the struggling women in the face of social conventions at that times.,About the Author and his Works,Remarkable Saying,Behind every successful man, there is a woman and behind every unsuccessful man, there are two. The wise n

8、ever marry and when they marry they become otherwise. God made relatives; Thank God we can choose our friends. The more you learn, the more you know. The more you know, the more you forget. The more you forget, the less you know. So why learn? By George Bernard Shaw,SHAW!,1.about his life,2. about h

9、is career,3. some of his famous works,contents,Early years and family,George Bernard Shaw was born in Synge Street, Dublin in 1856 to George Carr Shaw (181485), an unsuccessful grain merchant and sometime civil servant, and Lucinda Elizabeth Shaw, ne Gurly (18301913), a professional singer. He had t

10、wo sisters, Lucinda Frances (18531920), a singer of musical comedy and light opera, and Elinor Agnes (185576).,school education,Wesleyan Connexional School,a private school,Dublins Central Model School,HE HATES SCHOOL!,Wesleyan Connexional ScDublin English Scientific and Commercial Day Schoolhool,WR

11、ITTING CAREER BEGAN IN LONDON,library,the British Museum reading room,1.writting denied 2. winning fame in musical and literary criticism,a lot of works,1925,nobel prize working on,In his eyes, writing is a method to criticize the society and reveal truth. So in his works, we can see his thoughts an

12、d opinions about the society and life.,Famous Works,CRITICS NOVELS MUSICAL SHORT STORIES PLAYS POLEMICS AND SO ON,Famous Plays,武器与人Arms and the Man 华伦夫人的职业(Mrs Warrens Profession) 鳏夫的房产(Widowers Houses) 人与超人(Man and Superman) 圣女贞德(Saint Joan) 卖花女(Pygmalion) (1964年改编成电影窈窕淑女,当年获奥斯卡最佳影片、最佳导演、最佳改编音乐等八座小

13、金人。) 魔鬼的门徒(The Devils Disciple) 伤心之家(Heartbreak House) 巴巴拉少校(Major Barbara) 苹果车(The Apple Cart),Man and Superman,Man and Superman tells the story of two rivals: John Tanner (a wealthy, politically-minded intellectual who values his freedom) and Ann Whitefield (a charming, scheming hypocritical young

14、 woman who wants Tanner as a husband). Once Tanner realizes that Miss Whitefield is hunting for a spouse (and that he is the only target), he attempts to flee, only to find out that his attraction to Ann is too overwhelming to escape.,“There are no villains in the piece. Crime, like disease, is not

15、interesting: it is something to be done away with by general consent, and that is all there is about it. It is what men do at their best, with good intentions, and what normal men and women find that they must and will do in spite of their intentions, that really concern us.“,Saint Joan,Saint Joan,P

16、ygmalion,theme,Personal opinion! In my pinion, the theme of is criticizing the current thoughts to dignity and tell the reader what the real dignity is. At the beginning of the novel, Henry Higgins, a professor of phonetics, made a bet on the a Cockney flower girl, who looked dirty and humble, with his friend, Colonel Pickering. Henry Higgins came from the upper reaches of society and looked much nobler than the flower girl.


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