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1、Module 6 Old and New,第一板块 重点单词 1. date vi. 始于(某一历史时期) vt. 确定的年代; 注明日期于 n. 日期; 约会,(1)date back to/from 始于; 追溯到 (2)up to date 现代的; 最新式的 out of date 过期的; 过时的; 不再流行的 to date=up to now 迄今为止; 到目前为止 have a date with sb. 与某人约会 set/fix a date for. . . 确定的日期,【误区点拨】 (1)date back to/from常指以现在的时间点为起点, 向前追溯到过去某个时

2、间, 在句中作谓语时常用一般现在时态, 没有进行时和被动语态形式。 (2)当date back to/from用作定语时, 要用现在分词作定语。,【即时训练】单句语法填空 (2015全国卷)Stonehenge is one of the worlds most famous prehistoric monuments _(date) back over 5, 000 years. That meaning dates back _the time of Thomas Edison.,dating,to,完成句子 (2016天津高考)The dictionary is _: many word

3、s have been added to the language since it was published. 这本字典过时了: 自从它被出版, 很多单词被增加到这 个语言中。,out of date,All our information is _on the computer. 我们计算机上的信息都是最新的。 Most Chinese people like the fairy tale of Cowboy and Weaving girl, which _the Han Dynasty. 大多数中国人都喜欢牛郎和织女的神话传说, 这个传说 可以追溯到汉朝。,up to date,da

4、tes from,2. accommodate vt. 容纳(乘客等); 供应; 使适应; 向提供 vi. 适应 (1)accommodate to 适应, 适合 accommodate oneself to 使某人自己适应 accommodate sth. to sth. 使适合/迁就/迎合 accommodate sb. with sth. 帮忙; 给提供方便,(2)accommodation n. 住所; 办公处 make accommodations for 为提供膳宿,【即时训练】单句语法填空 If youre lucky enough to land such an _(accom

5、modate), though, be sure youre 100 percent on time.,accommodation,完成句子 Wherever he goes, he can _ new circumstances. 无论走到哪里, 他都能适应新环境。 He will _the use of his house while he is abroad. 他在国外期间将把他的房子给我使用。,accommodate himself to,accommodate me with,【熟词生义】 Weve made every effort to accommodate your poin

6、t of view. (accommodate意为: _),迁就,【知识拓展】表示“使某人自己适应”的结构还有 adjust oneself to adapt oneself to accustom oneself to,3. remove v. 迁移; 搬迁; 除去; 开除; 消除 remove. . . from. . . 把从移开 remove from. . . to. . . 从搬到 be removed from school 被开除; 被勒令退学,【即时训练】单句语法填空 (2015全国卷)When neither of these methods _the static noi

7、se, I would sit helplessly and wait for the noise to go away. Doctors even offer surgery of _fat inside and change the shape of the body.,removed,removing,完成句子 (2016北京高考)Condors with high levels of lead are treated with a chemical that _lead _the blood over several days. 几天前体内含铅水平高的秃鹫得到一种化学物质的 治疗, 以

8、清除血液中的铅。,removes,from,Our office has been _Beijing _ Shanghai. 我们的办公室已从北京搬到了上海。,to,removed from,【易混辨析】,4. freezing adj. 冷冰冰的; 极冷的 n. 冰点 (1)freezing cold 极冷 the freezing point 冰点 above/below freezing 零度以上/以下,(2)freeze v. 冻结; 结冰 freeze to death 冻得要死 (3)frozen adj. 冷冻的; 冻坏的 be frozen to death 被冻死,【即时训练

9、】单句语法填空 (2016全国卷)_(freeze) fish isnt as tasty as the fresh one. The first thing he did was to find shelter from the _(freeze) wind and snow.,Frozen,freezing,I was wrapped heavily and well sheltered from the freezing and blowing weather. 译: 我把自己厚厚地包裹起来, _。,以免遭极冷风吹的天气,完成句子 The air temperature is now w

10、ell _. 气温现在高出冰点好多度。 He is nearly _, and he needs a hot drink. 他几乎要冻死, 他需要一杯热饮料。,above freezing,frozen to death,5. narrow adj. 狭窄的; 狭隘的; 勉强的 v. (使)变窄; 缩小 (1)a narrow escape 九死一生 narrow victory/defeat 险胜/勉强击败 narrow-minded adj. 心胸狭窄的,(2)narrow down 缩小的范围 narrow. . . to. . . 把局限在之内 (3)narrowly adv. 勉强地

11、; 差一点儿; 狭隘地,【即时训练】写出黑体部分的含义 Leaping on a narrow balance beam(平衡木)is not easy. ( adj. _) Parents and children should communicate more to narrow the gap between them so that they can understand each other better. ( vt. _),狭窄的,缩小,完成句子 A woman _yesterday when her car left the road. 昨天有辆车翻出公路, 女司机死里逃生。 T

12、he car _a cyclist. 汽车差点儿撞上一位骑自行车的人。,had a narrow escape,narrowly missed,第二板块 常考短语句式 1. hold back 阻止; 妨碍; 抑制(情感等); 隐瞒 hold on to 抓住; 保持; 保留 hold up 举起; 耽误 hold out 伸出; 提出; 主张; 维持 hold on 继续; 抓住不放; (电话)不挂断,【即时训练】完成句子 Mature adults may sometimes feel pressured because they are unable to _(阻止)the desire

13、 to buy a house or car. I had a strong desire to reach in and play with the toy, but _(被挡住)thankfully by the shop window.,hold back,was held back,You can _(举起)your hand over the head. He _(紧紧抓住)a branch until we came to his rescue. How long will our food supplies _(维持)?,hold up,held on to,hold out,2

14、. make sense有意义; 有道理, 讲得通, 可理解 make sense of 了解的意义; 懂得 in a sense 在某一方面 in no sense 决不(位于句首要部分倒装) There is no sense in(doing)sth. 做某事是没有意义的,【误区点拨】 (1)make sense是物作主语, 无被动语态, 用to引出人; make sense of是人作主语, 可以用于被动语态, 用of引出物。 (2)make sense与make sense of中sense前不加冠词, sense本身也不能用复数形式。,【即时训练】完成句子 Unlike other

15、 cell phones, Jitterbug has plans that _. 不同于其他的手机, Jitterbug有一些很有意义的计划。 Only after I read the poem a second time did I _. 我把这首诗又读了一遍之后才理解了它的含义。,make sense,make sense of it,_is that conclusion scientific. 那个结论决不是科学的。 See, your computer has broken down again! It doesnt make sense to buy the cheapest brand of computer just to save a few dollars. 译: 看, 你的电脑又出故障了! _ _



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