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1、镇成立由镇委书记孙广东任组长,镇委副书记、镇长任副组长,镇直相关部门主要领导为成员的意识形态工作领导小组,统筹协调全镇意识形态工作Module 1 Deep South语境应用快检测. 用所给词的适当形式填空1. He suddenly felt an_ (intension)pain in his back. 2. Youd better keep a_ (balance)diet for the benefit of your health. 3. She had the time and the_ (inspire)to develop her talent. 4. At one tim

2、e, she is fine; but at another, she is_ (normal). 5. The Prime Ministers visit will_ (promotion)the cooperation between the two countries. 6. Youd need an_ (extreme)powerful microscope to see something so small. 7. Quick! Call an ambulance! This is an_ (emergent)! 8. Her_ (absent)from the party made

3、 her good friends very angry. 答案:1. intense 2. balanced 3. inspiration 4. abnormal 5. promote 6. extremely 7. emergency 8. absence . 用以上短语填空1. The moment I_your soil, I was showered with the warm hospitality of your people. 2. We had to_our plans_fit Jacks timetable. 3. The centre will_four building

4、s, totalling about 230, 000 square metres. 4. He got into serious debt after his marriage_. 5. What_did you like about the last apartment that we saw? 6. We stood at the window until their cars_. 7. The black letters really_on that orange background. 8. When you go camping, please do not_any trash.

5、9. I dont think Ill need any money but Ill bring some just_. 10. He dedicated his life to_the world_hunger and disease. 答案:1. set foot on2. adapt;to 3. be made up of4. broke up 5. in particular6. come into sight 7. stand out 8. leave behind 9. in case 10. freeing;from . 句式仿写1. 嫦娥三号在2013年12月14日登陆月球,

6、标志着中国成为世界上第三个成功在月球软着陆的国家。The Change-3 landed on the lunar surface on Dec. 14, 2013, marking China has become_successfully in the world. 2. 汤姆将出国的消息是他讲的。_is told by him. 3. 他站在那里, 不时地左右张望。He stood there, _. 4. 直到足球赛结束他才上床睡觉。Not until the football match was over_. 答案:1. the third country to soft-land on the moon2. The news that Tom would go abroad3. looking left and right now and then 4. did he go to bed 按照属地管理,分级负责和谁主管谁负责的原则,各级党组织领导班子对本地区、本单位、本部门意识形态工作负主体责任。党组织书记是第一责任人


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