七年级英语上册 module 7 computers unit 2 when do you use a computer教学课件 (新版)外研版

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1、Unit 2 When do you use a computer?,1.Who shares a computer with his father?(教材P44)谁和他的父亲共用一台电脑? 解读1 who意为“谁”,用于询问主语,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。 Who does homework on the computer? 谁在电脑上做作业? 解读2 I really want to share my happiness with you.我真想与你分享我的快乐。,2.My father is a manager of a company,so he often talks to his

2、 customers on the computer.(教材P44)我爸爸是一家公司的经理,因此他经常在电脑上与客户交谈。 解读 连词so连接两个句子,so意为“所以,因此”,在句中连接独立的两个句子,前后为因果关系。She is very tired,so she wants to go to bed early.她很疲劳,所以想早点上床睡觉。 拓展because 与so不能同时出现在一个句子中。,3.There is no computer in my home.(教材P44)我家没有电脑。 解读 此句中no 是形容词,意为“没有”,“no+ 名词”相当于“not a/an+ 可数名词单数

3、”或“not any+ 可数名词复数/不可数名词”。There is no book on the desk.=There is not a book on the desk.课桌上没有书。,名师解题,4.But sometimes I play a lot of games and my mother doesnt like it.(教材P44)可有时我玩很多游戏,我妈妈不喜欢。 解读 此句中sometimes是副词,意为“有时候,不时”,表示频率,常和一般现在时连用。它常位于行为动词之前,系动词、情态动词或助动词之后。 Steven sometimes walks to school. 史

4、蒂文有时步行去学校。 拓展sometimes,often,usually,every day等频度副词(词组),常用how often来提问。,1.1.Mike 2.Jack 3.Alice 2.2 3.buy tickets;check email;go on the Internet;make travel plans;play games;share a computer;talk to customers;search for information;watch movies;work for a company 4.(1)Internet (2)search (3)information (4)planning (5)movie (6)check (7)customers (8)tickets (9)send (10)share,



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