2018秋八年级(河北)英语人教版上册课件:unit 10 self check

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1、Self Check 高频考点集中练考点一:advice 的用法apiece ofadvice一条建议givesb.advice/give advicetosb.给某人提建议takelfollowlacceptsb、s advice接受其人的建议 ask foradvice征求建议advise sb.to do sth .建议某人做某事advise sh. about/on.意为“关于给某人忠告嫂议advise+that从句,从句中要用(should)+动词原形 为advise工,单项选择。( )1.Please giveme about how to solve theproblem,人A,

2、. some advices B.some adviceC, SOme advises D. some advise( )2.Miss Gao advised us FEnglish for halfan hour every day,A.read B. readingC.to read D. reads工, 根据汉语意思完成下列句子。1. 这位专家就健康问题给学生们提出了建议。2 The expectproblems,医生建议我人息几天。The doctor for Several days, 辩析 考点二:辨析 else 与 other.党在名记的前基站在不定代;ese别的,其他的le型词

3、或厂| 可词的后面司、不定用 other或else填空。1. What do you want to buy? 还notywe have to 80home,2.一Do you have Ways 名0 worx Out the mathproblem?一Let me think it over,3. These books are all interesting, and 工 have Somebooks in my bookcase,4.一Where did you go this summer holiday? 一Nowhere except Thailand,一Pd like some

4、 noodles to eat,一Something ?考点三:tooto的用法 too后的形容词是glad,ready,一 kind,easy,pleased等词时0 当only,quite等词位于too之前时,义的情况, too相当 于very,too后的形容词多一,表示形容人的心情的词后者中钊形式主语,真正的主语是不定式to do sth.,表示肯定意义 与It stoo.todosth.的区别; 工.根据汉语意思完成下列句子。1. 对于老年人来说疏那座山太难了。 Its theold climb the mountain,2. 你帮助我真是太好了。Youare hepme,3, 得到这份工作她真是太高兴了。Sheis get the job,开, 将下列句子改为同义句。1.Jim is too young to go to school,Jim is not go to School2.You can never be too careful,careful you are, it is,


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