2018秋外研版英语九年级上册课件:module 3 unit 1 she trained hard, so she became a great player later

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1、Module 3 Heroes,Unit 1 She trained hard, so she became a great player later.,.根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。 1If you want to succeed, you will need a strong _ (意志) 2She has lived _ (国外) for many years, but she can speak Chinese very well.,will,abroad,3He is studying for a masters (硕士) _ (学位) at Peking University. 4

2、He was ill, so he didnt _ (上) school. 5Its _ (惊人的) that she is able to solve the problem so quickly.,degree,attend,amazing,including,victory,3An Olympic gold _ is the most soughtafter (受欢迎的) prize in world sport. 4_ you do, you should do it well. 5Yang Liwei is a big _ in my heart.,medal,Whatever,he

3、ro,.单项选择。(导学号:34094017) ( )1.(2017芜湖模拟)Tom isnt feeling very well. He seems to have a cold _ the weather changes suddenly. Abefore Bso Cbecause Dthough,C,( )2.The safety of food has become one of the _ problems in our daily life. Amore expensive Bmore important Cmost expensive Dmost important ( )3._

4、 you do, dont miss this exhibition, for its so hard for me to get the tickets.【高频考点】 AWherever BWhatever CHowever DWhether,D,B,( )4.Shes a clever girl with a strong _ and a good temper. Aidea Bdecision Cwill Ddream ( )5.(2017合肥五校联考)Dad, why should I stop _ computer games?【高频考点】 For your health, my b

5、oy, Im afraid you _. Ato play; must Bplaying; have to Cto play; can Dplaying; may,C,B,.根据汉语意思完成下列句子。 1天气够冷的,可以滑冰了。 It is _ _ for us to go skating. 2他分担我的悲伤也分享我的快乐。 He shared in my sorrows _ _ _ in my joys. 3请不要放弃学习英语。 Please dont _ _ learning English.,cold,enough,as,well,as,give,up,4他停了下来和我打招呼。 He _

6、 _ _”hello” with me. 5他未和任何人打招呼就离开了。 He left without saying goodbye to _ _.,stopped,to,say,anyone,else,.句型转换。 1The shop was closed so I didnt get any milk.(用because改写) _ 2She started playing the piano when she was five.(改为简单句) She started playing the piano _ _ _ _ five.,I didnt get any milk because

7、the shop was closed.,at,the,age,of,3Whatever you say, I cant believe you.(改为同义句) _ _ _ you say, I cant believe you. 4I am good at playing basketball. My brother is good at playing basketball as well.(合并句子) My brother _ _ _ I _ good at playing basketball. 5We didnt go home by bus because it snowed heavily.(改为简单句)【高频考点】 We didnt _ a bus home _ _ the heavy snow.,No,matter,what,as,well,as,is,take,because,of,


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