2018秋八年级(安徽)英语人教版上册课件:unit 1 第四课时x

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《2018秋八年级(安徽)英语人教版上册课件:unit 1 第四课时x》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018秋八年级(安徽)英语人教版上册课件:unit 1 第四课时x(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第四课时 Section B (1a 1e)工, 选择方框中合适的词填空。delicious ,terribley,expensiveycheapyexciting,boring 1.Everything in the stores there was ,SO 工Dbought nothing.2.工like Chinese food. Ifs 3.dont have match money,T waiit to Day sometsing4. The film is ,Why not go to See it with us?S. The weather was , We did nothi

2、ng but stay at our hotel. It was工, 从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话,有两项多余。A:1, A,Did you go there with anyone?B:I went to Cuangzhou, B. How did you go there?A:2, C,. When did you go there?D,YesiL did, B:On October 2n4. |A:3, E,. Where did you go on vacation, Bob?B:Yes,with my uncle and aunt, |F.Sorry,we didnt,人A:4,

3、G. How was your vacation? B:It was great, We had fun,A:Oh,did you take any photos there?B :5, Tshow you when they come out,A:OK ,thanks,下,阅读下面短文,并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题后面的词数要求) 。JI went to many places before, Three cities left medeep impression( 印象), They are Beijing, Dalian andHuhehot,I went to Beijing wit

4、h my parents this summer, WeVisited the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, the PalaceMuseumythe Beinai Park and S6 on,We asb Weiit 5oating and fishing in thecountryside, It was very interesting,Dalian is a beautiful city with many trees and flowers, Last year,I went toDalian by plane,. There are many Ru

5、ssian-style(俄罗斯风格的) buildings there.MY hotel was near the sea and 工went to the beach. The Sky there was blue and theSea Was blue,too. There were many Swimmers in the seaI went to Huhehot two years ago, There were a lot of horses and sheep,工rode &horse on the gmassland and enjoyed the beautiful scenery(风景),I had great fun,1. Who did the writer go to Beijing with this summer? (不超过 S 个词)2. How did the writer g0 to Dalian? (不超过5个词| 3. What did the writer do in Huhehot two years ago? (不超过 15 个词)


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