2018秋八年级(安徽)英语人教版上册课件:unit 1 第三课时x

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《2018秋八年级(安徽)英语人教版上册课件:unit 1 第三课时x》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018秋八年级(安徽)英语人教版上册课件:unit 1 第三课时x(14页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第三课时“单元语法 before时间| yesterday特征| lastago等肯定名:We wenttoParis last vear,和耕定何:Wedidmt基本| goto Paris lastyear,名式| 一般时间条DidyougotoParis lastyear?人特殊疑问名:Whendidyou goto Paris? 用所给动词的适当形式填空 ,完成短文TI1,_(吧) to Paris with my parents on vacation,The weather was fine, We 2, (have) a Sightseeing ( 观光) tour of the

2、 city and we also 3, visit) some ofthe famous places like the Eiffel Jower, From Paris wetraveled (旅游) down to the south of France nearMarseilles by boat,We 4, (Stay) there for threedays, There we had alot of fun. Wes, (swim) in theseaand6, (take) many photos We also7,_ (doj lotsof Sports on the bea

3、ch, We 8, (8o) pack a week laterpy train, The people there 9, (be) friendly, The food10,_ (be) delicious, So the trip was really great, S0meeVeTy。 something Janythingnothingeverything s0Omeonelsomebodyanyonelanybodyno one/nobodyeveryoneleverybody 工, 从方框中选择合适的单词完成句子。 any0neyeyery0ne,Someone,Something

4、,nothing 1 .一Js there in the ro0m?一Yesythere ia oil2. The old man has but a Small house,3, Listenl is Singing in the clasSroom,4.一Would you like to drink sir?一Yes,A cup of coffee., in my family likes sports. We often run inthe mormming,工.单项选择。( ) 1, Yesterday 工 only bought for mycousin but for myself,A.sSoniethiig;SomethingB,. nothing;SomethingC,nothing;nothingD.Ssomething;nothing( )2.Not in Our class likes playing footbal,Some of them like playing basketball,A.anyone B,. everyoneC,n0 0ne D. someone


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