六年级英语上册 unit 5-6 单元测试人教新起点1

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《六年级英语上册 unit 5-6 单元测试人教新起点1》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《六年级英语上册 unit 5-6 单元测试人教新起点1(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、全国各地接二连三地发生了多起特大安全事故,造成严重的人员伤亡,特别是北京密云、吉林商厦等特大安全事故,引起了党中央和国务院的高度关注Unit 5-6 单元测试一、英汉互译。快乐的_生气的_忧愁的_兴奋_紧张的 _骄傲的_作家_艺术家 _德国人_故事_演员_虾_scientist _ surprised _ musician_Danish_national anthem_ light bulb_composed music_ wrote stories _二、选词填空。sad proud happy excited surprised worried angry nervous(1) Chris

2、tmas Day is coming. We are _.(2) I won the game. My mom is _.(3) Someone stole(偷) my new bike. I m _. (4) My mother is ill. Im _.(5) Shenzhou VI spacecraft(神州五号) landed safely. I was _.(6) I saw Joy in my room. I was _.(7) I lost the game. Im _.(8) Im going to run in a race. I am _.三、连词成句。1. does ho

3、w Bill feel_?2. you Do know Qi Baishi about_?3. My cant come best friend to my party_.4. the Helen Keller born in United States was_.5. is famous because He painted he horses well_.四、判断正误,对的写“T”, 错的写“F”。1. Xu Beihong was Chinese. He was a famous artist. He painted horses very well. ( )2. Qi Baishi w

4、as a Chinese writer. He is famous because he wrote many stories. ( )3. Xian Xinghai was a great Chinese musician. He composed the Chinese National Anthem. ( )4. Hans Christian Andersen was a Danish writer. He wrote many stories for children. ( )5. Isaac Newton was an English scientist. He was famous

5、 because he invented the light bulb. ( )6. Helen Keller was born in the USA. She couldnt see, hear and speak, but she wrote many books. ( )五、选择。( ) 1. Lucky sees a piece _ bone. A. to B. on C. of( ) 2. In China, red can be a _ colour. A. nervous B. worried C. happy( ) 3. There is kind of music playe

6、d on guitar called “the _”. A. blues B. green C. blue ( ) 4. Mother Goose is _. A. a mother B. nursery rhymes C. a goose( ) 5. Li Bai lived in the _ Dynasty. A. Song B. Ming C. Tang( ) 6. _ is famous because he composed Chinese National Anthem. A. Xian Xinghai B. Nie Er C. Beethoven( ) 7. There is g

7、oing to be a test _ Saturday. A. in B. on C. at( ) 8. Lucky is going to _ the doctor. A. look B. see C. watch六、阅读。Walt Disney was born in Chicago in the United States in 1901. He had three brothers and one sister. When he was a boy, Walt loved to draw pictures. He felt happy when people said his pic

8、tures were good. After school, Walt took extra classes in drawing cartoons.When he was young, Walt had a lot of different Jobs. He sold newspapers, and he worked on a train, too. In 1923, he moved to Hollywood to make cartoons. At first, no one wanted to hear about his films. He was very poor. But l

9、ater, his films became very popular. In 1940,he built his own film studio. He died on December 15th,1996,But people still remember him and his cartoons.( )1. Walt Disney was born in _. A. Chicago in United States B. Chicago in the United States C. Chicago in United Kingdom( )2. When he was a boy, Wa

10、lt loved to_. A. see a film B. read books C. draw pictures( )3. Walt had _ different Jobs. A. a lot of B. some C. a( )4. In 1923, he _to Hollywood to _cartoons. A. moved, make B. move, make C. moved, made( )5. He died _. A. on December 15th,1996 B. on December 15,1996 C. in December 15th,1996A pengu

11、in (企鹅) One day a policeman was walking in the park. He saw a man there. The man was holding a penguin. The man said to the policeman, “ I found this penguin this morning. What shall I do with it?” “ Take it to the zoo,” said the policeman. The next day the policeman saw the man again. He was still holding the peniguin. The policeman said, “ Why didnt you take the penguin to the zoo?” “ I did,” said the man. “ I took him to the zoo yesterday. Today Im taking



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