2018秋人教版(江西专版)八年级英语上册习题课件:unit 9 综合能力提升

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《2018秋人教版(江西专版)八年级英语上册习题课件:unit 9 综合能力提升》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018秋人教版(江西专版)八年级英语上册习题课件:unit 9 综合能力提升(26页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、工.完形填空。I am going to have a party tomorrow night,promised my mother that She neednt do 1 forme, My friend Jane is 2 ,She would like tohelp me, 3 she cant, Because she has a pian0lesson in the maorainag aad 训 the afternoon she 4 look after her Sister.So 工will do everythingS$ myself,Itry to make 06 pa

2、rty nice,Isent invitations to my friends 7 ,NowIam thinking about 8 Ineed to do tomorrow,Yesl 工have to clean the room and do some Shopping, 工amgoing 0) Some food,drinks and some fruit 训the supermarket, 工 am going to make a Shoppinglist 10 Tgo,Ealso hayve to decorate( 装饰) theroom,. TI need to do 1 ma

3、ny things,SoO 工12 see the movie Da Vinci Code(达芬奇密码after lunch, A terrible thingl The party begins 13 8 p.m,sSoImust14 dinner early.Iam tired after Ifinish 1$So many things amid after Ginner工cart have a Short rest,( )1.A,.something B, anythingCC,nothing D, everything( )2.A,comes B. to comeCC, coming D, come人)3, A, s0C, bnutB. althoughD, because( )4.A,may 了B,has to C,can 。 D.need( )$,A,by B,for Co D,at( )6.A.a B.an Cthe D./( )7.A.yesterdayB. tomorrowCC,tomorrow morningD, the day after toOmorrow



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