2018秋人教版(广东)八年级英语上册习题课件:unit 10 第三课时

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《2018秋人教版(广东)八年级英语上册习题课件:unit 10 第三课时》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018秋人教版(广东)八年级英语上册习题课件:unit 10 第三课时(15页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第三课时 Section B(1a1d)课 后 练 习基础积囚 基础知识+积累运用工, 根据所给提示写出正确的单词。1开工have enough money, Illt around thewoOrld,2. Mr, Brown is thea of his company in China,3,.革you dont hurry up,you (be) late again,4. If she has time this afternoon, She(read) magazines in the library,S.Ifit (snow) tomorrovJ(stay) athome to w

2、atch TV,工,单项选择。( )1L.Most middle school students wish to go tocollege Some day,4A,a 了B, an CC D.the ( )2.一Ithink Iwill take a trip to Yunnan nextmonth.一达you ,youwllhave a good time,A,can B.are CC, do0 D. w记( )3.Do you want to the School Soccerteam?A.join B.sing CC,g0 D. come( )4. My sister doesmt li

3、ke swimming, So shegoes swimming with her friends,A,always B, usuallyC,ofiei TD, neyer ( )$,.Iyou become a great Soccer player,youdl A.be upset B, be famousC,be horing D. be qiffiewlt能力提升 综合训练+提升能焉. 阅读理解。When you have a dinner party, what Shouldyou do? The following will help you,Try to opena the do

4、or for each guest,形SOmeone else anSwers the door, go to welcome yoUrguests as SOon as yOu can, Always offer( 提供) totake their coats and ask“Would you like me totake your it?”People often bring gifts like flowers orchocolate to a dinner party, Be ready to receive(接收) the gifts if they do. Get a vase So that you canput any flowers in it,Never leave a guest unattended(没人照顾的),especially if there is only one of theml If there ismore than one,they can talk to each other,


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