八年级英语上学期第一次月考试题 人教新目标版5

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1、全国各地接二连三地发生了多起特大安全事故,造成严重的人员伤亡,特别是北京密云、吉林商厦等特大安全事故,引起了党中央和国务院的高度关注20172018学年第一学期八年级英语第一次月考试题 班级_ 姓名_ 考号_ 得分_一:单项选择 (20分)( )1. _ is important to keep healthy. A. This B. That C. It D. He ( )2. . Lucy is a good student. She is_ late for class.A. usually B. hardly ever C. sometimes D. never( ) 3.Tom wa

2、tches TV four _ five _a week.A. and, times B. or, time C. or, times D. and, time( )4. I want to buy _ for my mothers birthday.A. something special B. special somethingC. anything special D. special anything( )5. How often do you have P.E. lessons?_. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday. A. Twice B. Twice

3、 a week C. Three times D. Three times a week( )6. Lucy_gotothemovies.ShewatchedTVathome.A.isntB.didntC.wasntD.doesnt( )7. Itisraining hard,soJohndecides_athome.A.stay B.tostayC.stayedD.staying( )8. IdidntgotoPenangHill_thebadweather.A.soB.becauseC.becauseofD.but( ). -doyougotothelibrary?-Iusuallygot

4、othelibraryfour times a week.AHowlongB. Howoften C. Howfar D. Howmany( )10.Ienjoy_mybicycleinthemountains. Itsnotalwayseasy, butexciting.A.rideB.rodeC.ridingD.toride( )11. Didshe_tothemovies?-No,shewenttotheparty.A.goesB.goC.went D. going( )12. How_yourvacation?-Itwasprettygood.A.wasB.wereC.did D. b

5、e( )13. How about apples? -OK.A. to have B. had C. have D. having( )14. The boy is to ride the bicycle.A. old enough B. enough old C. enough money D. money enough( )15.My mom wants me milk every day .A. to drink B. drink C. drinking D. drank( )16. We usually do some cleaning _ weekends.A. for B. on

6、C. over D. in( )17.Where did you go vacation? I went to Sanya. A. in B. to C. on D. of( )18._ he has a lot of money, _ he isnt happy. A. Although; but B. Although; / C. /; / D. But; although( )19.Can you help me the housework? -Of course. A. in B. to C. on D. with( )20.Dont stay up . Go to bed . A.

7、late; early B. lately ; early C. lately; late D. late; late二:完形填空(10分,每题1分) Do you know how to keep healthy? First, good_21_ habits are very important. Many students_22_ to eat junk food. Maybe it tastes(尝起来) good, but its _23_ for our health. And many students only eat their favorite food. Its bad

8、for our health,_24_. Its good to eat_25_ fruit and vegetables because they can _26_ us keep healthy. And we should have a balanced diet(均衡饮食). It can give us lots of energy(能量) and keep our body_27_. _28_, we should exercise often. A strong(强壮的) and healthy body comes from enough exercise. We can _2

9、9_ some time doing our favorite sports every day. Finally, we should have good living habits_30_ getting up and going to bed on time.( )21. A. studyingB. eatingC. drinkingD. living( )22. A. hopeB. tryC. likeD. dislike( )23. A. goodB. badC. wellD. nice( )24. A. alsoB. eitherC. tooD. neither( )25. A.

10、moreB. lessC. littleD. few( )26. A. giveB. tellC. helpD. ask( )27. A. goodB. unhealthy C. activeD.healthy ( )28. A. FirstB. SecondC. ThirdD. Finally( )29. A. likeB. takeC. spendD. cost( )30. A. suchB. likesC. such asD.for example三:阅读理解(30分,每题2分)ADear Susan,We went to Thailand for vacation last year.

11、 We were very excited. It was our first time to go there. Thailand is a really beautiful country. The sky is blue. The trees are green. The buildings are fantastic. We spent seven days in Bangkok(曼谷). Of course, we got a boat to the floating market(水上市场). We bought some delicious fruit there. We wen

12、t to a very interesting temple called the Temple of the Emerald Buddha(玉佛寺). We also visited some other temples. Everything was great. The best thing about the trip was food. Yours, Sonia( )31. It is the _ time for Sonia to Thailand. A. first B. second C. third D. fourth( )32. They stayed in Thailand for_. A. a day B. a week C. a month D. a year( )33. How did they go to the floating market? A. They took the boat. B. In their car. C. They went there by train D. They walked there( )34. Which one is RIGHT(正确的)?A. They bought some vegetables in the Temple of the Emerald Buddha.


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