2018秋七年级(安徽专版)英语上册人教版习题课件:unit 8 第二课时

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2018秋七年级(安徽专版)英语上册人教版习题课件:unit 8 第二课时_第1页
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《2018秋七年级(安徽专版)英语上册人教版习题课件:unit 8 第二课时》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018秋七年级(安徽专版)英语上册人教版习题课件:unit 8 第二课时(18页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第二课时 Section A(3a一3c) 基础积辕 基础知识+积累工. 用所给词的适当形式填空1,January is the (one) month of a year, 2. My birthday is on January nine),3. My (cousin) birthday is in August,4.The (five) lesson is very interesting,5,_ (they) birthdays are on the same day,下.用适当的介词填空。1.My birthday is 。” September,2. His birtiday is

2、 September 1sf,3. Miss Green eats breakfast the morning,4. His birthday party is 。 the afternoon of June0th,5$,_ my birthday, my parents buy Some CDsIme,0. His birthday is Monday,亚, 单项选择。( )1.My birthday is January and Petersbirthday is March 20th,A. iD:at B,inonC, for;不填 D.at;on( )2.Theboyisonly ,J

3、odayishisbirthday,A. five;five 也, 在fth ; 但VeC. Pi名siftn D. five; Gifth( )3.Sunday is the day of a week,A.third B.second C.first D.last)4.一 ? 一Heis thirteen,A. How old is heB,. How is he(CC. Where js heD. How much is 让( )$.There are(有) months in a year, Themonth of the year is December,A,twelveitwelve B.twelve;twelfthC. tweifth;twelye , D.tweifth;twelfth


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