2018秋七年级(牛津译林版)英语下册课件:unit 8 grammer

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1、7下Unit 8 Pets,Grammar,She keeps a dog as a pet and takes him all the time.,always,Presentation,kip,vt. 养,饲养,一直,总是,=,Cats can sleep anywhere.,任何地方,enwe,This parrot always repeats the same word.,vt. & vi. 重复,Hello! Hello! Hello! ,rpit,The goldfish is a quiet pet. Do you agree?,vi. vt. 同意,gri,anywhere

2、adv. 任何地方 repeat vt. & vi. 重复 all the time 一直,总是 agree vi. & vt. 同意;应允 keep vt. 养,饲养,Read aloud these new words.,Li Hua is my favourite football star. The classrooms are clean and bright. The air is fresh here.,A. Using adjectives (使用形容词),people,things,形容词是用来描写或修饰名词或代词,说明人或事物的特征或性质的。,Rabbits have lo

3、ng ears.,A lazy cat is sleeping on the sofa.,Parrots can sing beautiful songs.,There is a small and soft mouse.,adj. + n.,The rabbits ears are long.,The sleeping cat is lazy.,Its song sounds wonderful.,The mouse looks soft.,系动词+ adj.,我们用形容词来描述人或物。我们可以将形容词放在名词前或放在连系动词后。,We use adjectives to describe

4、people or things. We can put an adjective before a noun or after a linking verb.,1. make/ Birds/sounds/ nice _ 2. are/ clever/ Dogs/ and / friendly _ 3. and/ quiet/ Goldfish/ look after/ to / are/ easy _,Birds make nice sounds.,Dogs are clever and friendly.,Goldfish are quiet and easy to look after.

5、,A1. Talking about pets with the words below.,I have a _ cat. She likes to run after balls. When she gets _, she sleeps anywhere. She miaows when she is _. My parrot is a _ friend of mine. He is very _, and he can repeat my words. He says “Hello!” when I come back home. He is _ all the time.,black,b

6、lack clever happy hungry special tired,tired,hungry,special,clever,happy,A2. Help Daniel complete his article.,中考链接,(甘肃天水)This kind of sweaters look _ and sell _. A beautifully, well B beautiful, well C beautifully, good D beautiful, good (浙江温州)Robot is so _ that he even has no time to stay with his

7、 children at weekends. A busy B smart C serious D pleased (湖北随州)-Why dont you buy the sweater? -Its too _, and I dont have enough money to buy it. A nice B expensive C popular D cheap (湖南湘潭)One of _places for mountain climbing is the Himalayas. A popular B more popular C the most popular,当我们不知道或没有必要

8、说明所谈论的人是谁或是什么事物时,我们就用不定代词来指代人或物。,B. Indefinite pronouns (不定代词), We use indefinite pronouns to refer to people and things when we do not know or do not need to mention who or what we are talking about.,不定代词,some, any, every, no都能和one, body, thing一起构成代词,这些代词叫复合不定代词。它们基本含义为:,somebody、someone,某人,anybody

9、、anyone,某人/任何人,everybody、everyone,每个人,nobody、no one,没有人,指人:,指物,something,某物,anything,某物/任何物,everything,每件事,一切,nothing,没事,I saw _ (有人) in the house.,How to use indefinite pronouns?,somebody (=someone),There is _ (某个东西)under the bed.,something,We use somebody, someone and something in positive sentenc

10、es.,When we are offering something or when we expect the answer to be yes, we can use something, somebody/ someone in questions.,Would you like something to eat? Is someone there?,I did not see _(有人)in the house.,anybody (=anyone),There is not _(某个东西)under the bed.,anything,We use anybody, anyone an

11、d anything in negative sentences or in questions.,Do you feed your goldfish _(某物)else?,anything,There is _(没人)in the living room.,nobody (= no one),I saw _(没东西)in the fridge.,nothing,We use nobody, no one and nothing to refer to not anyone and not anything.,There isnt anybody in the room. = There is

12、 _ in the room. I did not hear anything. = I heard _.,nobody/no one,nothing,Is _ (每个人) here today? _ (每样东西) is ready.,everybody/everyone,Everything,We use everybody, everyone and everything to refer to all people and all things.,Mr Hu is asking the students about their pets. Complete their conversat

13、ion with the correct indefinite pronouns.,Mr Wu: Millie, I know you have a dog. What do you feed him? Millie: We usually give him dog food.,Mr Wu: Do you feed him _ else? Millie: Yes. Sometimes we give him some meat. He likes it. Mr Wu: I see. Does _ have a cat? Amy: Yes, I have a cat. Shes nice to

14、_. Mr Wu: Good. I know _ has goldfish, right?,anything,anyone (anybody),everybody (everyone),somebody (someone),Peter: Yes, I do. Goldfish are easy to look after. Mr Wu: Thats true. Does _ have a snake? Kitty: No. _ wants a snake, I think. Daniel: I dont agree. Theres _ wrong with keeping a snake if you like it.,nothing,anyone (anybody),Nobody (no one),一、使用形容词,语法小结,二、不定代词:用来指不定数量或范围的人或物。,1.形容词修饰不定代词,形容词位于不定代词后面。 今天的报纸上有什么重要的新闻吗? Is there anything important in todays newspaper? 2.不定代词做主语看作三单,谓语动词用三单形式。 一切都准备好了。Everything is ready. 每个人喜欢参加这项活动。 Everybody likes to join



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