2018春仁爱版七年级下学期英语导学案unit 8 the seasons and the weather topic1 sectiona (p81)(1a-1c)

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2018春仁爱版七年级下学期英语导学案unit 8 the seasons and the weather topic1 sectiona (p81)(1a-1c)_第1页
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2018春仁爱版七年级下学期英语导学案unit 8 the seasons and the weather topic1 sectiona (p81)(1a-1c)_第2页
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2018春仁爱版七年级下学期英语导学案unit 8 the seasons and the weather topic1 sectiona (p81)(1a-1c)_第3页
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2018春仁爱版七年级下学期英语导学案unit 8 the seasons and the weather topic1 sectiona (p81)(1a-1c)_第4页
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《2018春仁爱版七年级下学期英语导学案unit 8 the seasons and the weather topic1 sectiona (p81)(1a-1c)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018春仁爱版七年级下学期英语导学案unit 8 the seasons and the weather topic1 sectiona (p81)(1a-1c)(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、仁爱版七年级下学期英语导学案(No.53)Class_ Grade_ Group_ Name_教师寄语:Do one thing at a time, and do well.一次只做一件事,做到最好! 课型:预习课+展示课Title: Unit 8 The seasons and the weather. ( 季节和天气。)Topic1:How is the weather in winter? (冬天的天气怎样?)Section:A (P81)(1a-1c) 第一课时Learning steps (学习过程):一、抽测反馈(5)(我会做)在预习的基础上自主完成下列各题,各组派 C层次的学生

2、上台展示学习成果。(在二次铃时完成,学习组长组织并检查评定)1.根据音标写单词。1)/weDE(R)/ _ ( ) 2) /sprIN/ _( ) 3) /WO:(R)M/_( ) 4) /sI:zn/_ ( ) 5) /sVmE(r)/_( ) 6) /ha:t/_( )7) /klaIMB/_( ) 8) /wIntE(R)/_( ) 9)/KEULd/ _( ) 10)/ReIn/_ ( ) 11) /snEU/_( ) 二、学习目标(1) 1、学习并熟记新单词;来源:学优高考网2、能够运用所学的形容词描绘一年中的四个季节; 3、熟读并背诵1a;4、能够用下列句型简单地谈论天气: 1)-

3、 Whats the weather like in spring?(春天的天气怎么样?) - Its warm.(天气暖和。) 2)- How is the weather in fall? (秋天的天气怎么样?) - Its cool . Its a good time to climb hills. ( 天气凉爽。这是爬山的好时节。)学习重点、难点 1 对询问天气状况句型的问与答; 2. 熟读并背诵1a。三、自主学习(20)(我最棒)1自学81页1a, 跟读录音,然后写出下列单词(小组长要教组员读单词哦): 一年四季:春季_夏季_秋季_冬季_天气气候:天气_暖和的_热的、辣的_冷的、感冒

4、_下雨、雨_下雪、雪_2自学第81页1a并翻译对话,然后完成下列任务:来源:学优高考网gkstkA. 翻译下列短语或句子。1) 放风筝_ 2) 去游泳_3) 爬山_ 4) 堆雪人_来源:学优高考网gkstk5) Its a good season for flying kites. _6) Its a good time to climb hills ._来源:学优高考网7) We can go swimming in summer._8)秋天的天气怎么样?_B按要求完成下列问题:1) Whats the weather like in winter? (改为同义句) _2) Whats th

5、e weather like in autumn?(回答问题) _3) Its a good season for flying kites.(改为同义句) _ 4) Its a good time to climb hills.( 改为同义句) _5)What can we do in summer? (回答问题) _6)What can we do in winter? (回答问题) _【小结】: 1)对天气提问:Whatstheweatherlike_spring?(在_前用介词in) (同义句)_istheweatherinspring? 回答用:Its+表天气气候的词2)这是做.的好

6、.的两种句型:Itsagoodseason_flyingkites.(填介词) Itsagoodtime_climbhills.(填介词)3. 齐读1a,然后完成1a.(把季节与相应的天气和活动配对。)4 每组选一个季节然后用下列句型来进行对话。(组内展示) A:whats the weather like in.?/ how is the weather in .? B: Its. Its a good time/season for+v-ing. Its a good time/ season to + v-原. We can +v-原. _【知识点拨】:1. Whats the weat

7、her like.? 的天气怎么样? 这个句型是对天气状况进行提问的特殊疑问句。同义句为:How is the weather .? 如: - Whats the weather like in Kunming? = How is the weather in Kunming? - Its warm. 2Its a good season for flying kites.= Its a good season to fly kites. 这是放风筝的好季节。 句型“It +be +名词/形容词 +to do / for doing sth. ” 意为“这是做某事的”。3.We can mak

8、e snowmen winter. 在冬天我们可以堆雪人。 1)在年、月、季节前用介词 :in ; 在上午、下午和晚上仍用in.在几月几号前和具体某日上午、下午用介词: on; 在中午、夜晚、时、分前用介词:at. 2)make snowmen 堆雪人 snowmen 是snowman 的复数形式,单数表达为:make a snowman 四 展示提升(15)(我参与) 大声朗读1a(相信自己是最棒的,加油!)五 梳理巩固(4)(我能行)1、记住本节课的单词和词组。2、整理导学案,梳理本节课所学的知识,检查导学案并完成导学案上所有内容,学习组长注意检查督促。六检测达标 (5)(我会做)1. 单

9、项选择( )1.Whatistheweather_infall? Itscool. A.for B.like C.at( ) 2. Itshotinsummer.Itsagoodseason_swimming. A.at B.in C.to D.for2. 翻译下列句子. 1)你最喜欢哪个季节? _doyoulike_?2) 冬天里我们可以堆雪人。 We_inwinter.3) 下个月是登山的好时间。Nextmonthisagoodtime_.4)今天天气怎么样?今天很暖和。_theweather_today?Its_today.七、课后反思1、我今天学到了什么知识?_2、这节课我的表现( ) A、很好 B、好 C、一般D、有待改进来源:gkstk.Com


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