2018年秋冀教版九年级全册英语课件:unit 2 lesson 7 what is the meaning of life

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《2018年秋冀教版九年级全册英语课件:unit 2 lesson 7 what is the meaning of life》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018年秋冀教版九年级全册英语课件:unit 2 lesson 7 what is the meaning of life(22页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、,Unit 2 Great People,Lesson 7 What Is the Meaning of Life?,What does life mean? 生活是什么意思? What doesmean? =Whats the meaning of? = What do you mean by? 是什么意思?,Ms. Peng succeeds in singing. She is a successful singer. She is good to children.,Yao Ming succeeds in playing basketball. He is a successful

2、basketball player. He is deep in thought.,They succeed in developing the relationship between China and the US. They are successful leaders. They will start a dialogue.,What is the meaning of neighbours ? Strangers Close friends,Become famous. Have a happy family. Attend a good university. Make othe

3、r people happy. Have a satisfying job. Be rich.,Listen to the passage and tick the sentences mentioned.,Read the lesson and answer the questions. 1.What is Li Ming thinking about? 2.What does Wang Mei think we should do? 3.What does Li Mings father always say?,1.What is Li Ming thinking about?,Wang

4、Mei: Hi Li Ming. What are you thinking about? Li Ming: oh, hi Wang Mei. I was just thinking Whats the meaning of life? Do you ever wonder about that?,He is thinking about what the meaning of life is.,2.What does Wang Mei think we should do?,She thinks we should try our best to live a good and happy

5、life.,Wang Mei: These are really important questions and very difficult to answer. Im not sure how to answer them, but I think we should try our best to live a good and happy life.,3.What does Li Mings father always say?,He always says that we should be good to others.,Li Ming: That sounds right to

6、me. My dad always says that we should be good to others.,After the history class, Li Ming sits in the classroom, deep in thought. deep in thought意为“深思,沉思”,还可以用lost in thought表示。其中thought为名词,意为“思考,思索”。 thought是动词think的过去式和过去分词,意为“想,认为”。 What are you thinking about? think about意为“考虑”,一般可与think of互换,后接

7、名词、代词、动词-ing形式,也可接“疑问词+动词不定式”结构或宾语从句think of意为“考虑,想起,认为”,后接名词、代词或动词-ing形式,常用于疑问句中,与what连用。,think over意为“认真考虑,仔细考虑”,后接名词或代词作宾语,当接代词时,应将代词放在think与over之间。,What is the meaning of life? meaning为名词,意为“意思,意义”。the meaning of意为“的意思/意义”。 (1)mean为动词,意为“意欲、打算”。mean to do sth.意为“意欲/打算做某事”。 (2)询问“是什么意思?”的常用句型: Wh

8、at doesmean? What is the meaning of? What do you mean by?,Do you ever wonder about that? wonder在本句中用作不及物动词,后搭配介词about表示“想要知道,感到疑惑,觉得好奇”,后搭配at表示“感到惊讶”。 (1)wonder作动词时,后常接由疑问词或whether,if引导的宾语从句及“疑问词+动词不定式”的结构。 (2)wonder还可作可数名词,意为“奇观,奇人”。 (3)wonder的形容词为wonderful,意为“极好的”。,That sounds right to me. sound为系

9、动词,意为“听起来”,后面常接形容词作表语,有时也可接like构成短语sound like,意为“听起来像”。 sound还可作名词,意为“声音”,指自然界中所有的声音。 My dad always says that we should be good to others. 本句中that引导的宾语从句作says的宾语。 be good to意为“对好/和善/慈爱”,后接表示人或人格化的词,与be friendly to意思相同。 (1)be good for意为“对有益”,其反义短语为be bad for,意为“对有害”。,(2)be good at表示“擅长,在方面做得好”,at后跟名词

10、、代词或动名词。,I agree. I agree.意为“我同意”,是英语中的常用口语,表达同意对话者的意见。 Lets write these questions down and then survey our parents, friends and neighbours about their thoughts. write down意为“写下,记下”,是由“动词+副词”构成的短语。write down的宾语如果是名词,放在down前后均可;如果是代词,必须放在down之前。 本句中的survey为及物动词,意为“(对做)民意调查”。,Read the lesson and fill

11、in the blanks. After the history class, Li Ming is deep in thought. Wang Mei comes in, and they start a _. Li Ming wonders about the _ of life. He has many questions about his purpose in life. Wang Mei thinks those questions are_ to answer. They decide to _ their questions _, and then _ their parent

12、s, friends and neighbours about their thoughts.,dialogue,meaning,difficult,write,down,survey,Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the box.,1.Work hard and you will be in the future. 2.I who he was, but nobody could tell me. 3.What is the of your visit? 4.One of our helped us loo

13、k after our dog while we were away. 5.We 500 people and 75% of them were in favour of the plan.,success purpose survey wonder neighbour,successful,wondered,purpose,neighbours,surveyed,Its said that happy people can live longer. What do you need to be happy? Fill in the mind map. Then give a reason f

14、or each thing you list.,SURVEY: What do you need to be happy? I need health to be happy. Reasons: We will live a good and happy life if we are healthy. I need _to be happy. Reasons:_ _.,Writing: Write a short passage about your survey. Its said that happy people can live longer._.,Homework: 1. Finish the exercises in the activity book. 2. Recite the new words.,


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