2018年秋人教版(江西)七年级英语上册习题课件:unit 8 self check

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1、Self Check高频考点集中练考点一:时间介词 mn,on 与at 作于表示一般意义的| 上午、下午或晚上以六站及年、月等较长时间,用in表示星期几或某一特定的日期及具体 某一天的上午、-表示某一时间点、 | oaat 龄前,用at下 午或晚上,用on某一时刻或具体年 工.单项选择。( )1.I watch The Reader朗读者 8:00p. m。every day.A.in B. on C.at D. for( )2. jack oftei piays Dasketbalil Saturdayand Sunday.A.in 了B. on C.at D. of()3. Hawking

2、(替金) died(去世)A.in 瑟. 0OT G=att 2018.D. of开.用介词 mn,on或at填空。1.Ioften play tennis ”the afternoon.2. Alice often does her homework(做作业) ”SaturdayInorning-3. There are( 有) twelve months _ a year.4. Teachers” Day is September 10th.S. Please call me “10:00 a.m(上午).考点二:how old 的用法 于询问年龄,常用句型: How old is/are

3、? how old的用法 答语: 主语+be+数字/基数词 (+ year(s) old) I工.单项选择。( )1.一 is Yi Yangqianxi(易料千和玺)?一He is 18 years ol1d. A. How abonut 也. How oldC. How much D. How人 )2. 一How old is your sister?一She isA. eight years 8. eight years 01dC. eight old D. eight year old开.句型转换。Zhao Liying is thirty-one years old. (对画线部分提问)is Zhao Liying?考点三:busy 的用法 意为“繁忙的”,反义词为free sl 常用搭配: be busy with/(doing) sth.忙于(做) 某事


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